COMPARE_KEY | Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare keys |
COMPARE_VALUE | Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare values |
BINARY_INSERT | Binary search sorted insert INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The variable on the objects to compare COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE. |
Define Details
Binary search sorted insert INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The variable on the objects to compare COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE.
Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare keys
Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare values