strip_improper | Strip out the special beyond characters for \proper and \improper from text that will be sent to the browser. |
/proc/text_starts_with | Returns true if the text starts with the given sequence of characters. |
/proc/text_ends_with | Returns true if the text ends with the given sequence of characters. |
/proc/text_ends_with_any_of | Returns true if the text ends with ANY of the given sequences of characters. |
/var/plural_siblants | Siblants that should end with es |
/var/plural_vocalized_y | Vocalized y sounds that needs to end in -ies when made plural |
/var/plural_endings_in_ves | Plurals endings in -ves |
/var/plural_endings_with_doubled_letter | Plurals endings in -sses or -zzes |
/var/apophonic_plurals | Words that have a different plural form, and their plural form |
/var/english_loanwords | Used to tell how to make it a plural word and etc. |
/var/plural_words_unchanged | Words that stay the same in plural |
/proc/text_make_plural | Properly changes the given word (or the last word of the string) into a plural word. Applies a bunch of exceptions from the english language. |
Define Details
Strip out the special beyond characters for \proper and \improper from text that will be sent to the browser.