/decl/state/drill/unpowered | Unpowered state. Occurs when the battery dies or when turned off. |
/decl/state/drill/idle | Starting state for drills that are turned on or recovered from an issue. |
/decl/state/drill/error | State that occurs if there is a problem with the drill setup, such as lacking braces. |
/decl/state/drill/scanning | State that follows the starting state, where it determines which turfs to mine, and gives a visual effect of it scanning the surrounding ground. |
/decl/state/drill/mining | State where the drill is actively mining a specific turf. |
/decl/state/drill/switching_target | State which occurs when the currently mined turf is depleted, and there is another turf to mine from,
thus the drill visually targets the next spot and provides some feedback to the player on how fast the mining is going. |
/decl/state/drill/storage_full | State which occurs when the ore storage is full, and the player needs to unload the ore for it to resume mining. |
/decl/state/drill/finished | State which occurs when there is no more ore to mine from the surrounding tiles. |