Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



antag_textText shown to antagonists.
associated_pathsA list of typepaths used to populate associated_strings.
associated_stringsA list of string search terms associated with this entry.
available_to_map_tech_levelThe map tech level this entry will appear for.
categoriesA list of category decls that this codex entry belongs to.
disambiguatorValue used to disambiguate overlapping codex names.
guide_htmlHTML returned when the entry is used to populate a guide manual.
include_subtypesIf TRUE, associated_paths is set to include each path's subtypes in New().
lore_textIC text.
mechanics_textOOC text.
skip_hardcoded_generationIf TRUE, don't create this entry in codex init. Where possible, consider using abstract_type or store_codex_entry = FALSE instead.
store_codex_entryWhether or not this entry is stored on the subsystem, or is associated with solely the specific atom.
unsearchableIf TRUE, the entry will be excluded from search results, category listings, or the index. It will only be accessible from items and entries that directly link to it.

Var Details


Text shown to antagonists.


A list of typepaths used to populate associated_strings.


A list of string search terms associated with this entry.


The map tech level this entry will appear for.


A list of category decls that this codex entry belongs to.


Value used to disambiguate overlapping codex names.


HTML returned when the entry is used to populate a guide manual.


If TRUE, associated_paths is set to include each path's subtypes in New().


IC text.


OOC text.


If TRUE, don't create this entry in codex init. Where possible, consider using abstract_type or store_codex_entry = FALSE instead.


Whether or not this entry is stored on the subsystem, or is associated with solely the specific atom.


If TRUE, the entry will be excluded from search results, category listings, or the index. It will only be accessible from items and entries that directly link to it.