Procs | |
close_uis | Close all /nanoui uis attached to src_object |
close_user_uis | Close /nanoui uis belonging to user |
get_open_ui | Get an open /nanoui ui for the current user, src_object and ui_key |
try_update_ui | Get an open /nanoui ui for the current user, src_object and ui_key and try to update it with data |
ui_closed | Remove a /nanoui ui from the list of open uis This is called by the /nanoui close() proc |
ui_opened | Add a /nanoui ui to the list of open uis This is called by the /nanoui open() proc |
update_uis | Update all /nanoui uis attached to src_object |
update_user_uis | Update /nanoui uis belonging to user |
user_logout | This is called on user logout Closes/clears all uis attached to the user's /mob |
user_transferred | This is called when a player transfers from one mob to another Transfers all open UIs to the new mob |
Proc Details
Close all /nanoui uis attached to src_object
@param src_object /obj|/mob The obj or mob which the uis are attached to
@return int The number of uis close
Close /nanoui uis belonging to user
@param user /mob The mob who owns the uis @param src_object /obj|/mob If src_object is provided, only close uis which are attached to src_object (optional) @param ui_key string If ui_key is provided, only close uis with a matching ui_key (optional)
@return int The number of uis closed
Get an open /nanoui ui for the current user, src_object and ui_key
@param user /mob The mob who opened/owns the ui @param src_object /obj|/mob The obj or mob which the ui belongs to @param ui_key string A string key used for the ui
@return /nanoui Returns the found ui, or null if none exists
Get an open /nanoui ui for the current user, src_object and ui_key and try to update it with data
@param user /mob The mob who opened/owns the ui @param src_object /datum The datum which the ui belongs to @param ui_key string A string key used for the ui @param ui /datum/nanoui An existing instance of the ui (can be null) @param data list The data to be passed to the ui, if it exists @param force_open boolean The ui is being forced to (re)open, so close ui if it exists (instead of updating)
@return /nanoui Returns the found ui, for null if none exists
Remove a /nanoui ui from the list of open uis This is called by the /nanoui close() proc
@param ui /nanoui The ui to remove
@return int 0 if no ui was removed, 1 if removed successfully
Add a /nanoui ui to the list of open uis This is called by the /nanoui open() proc
@param ui /nanoui The ui to add
@return nothing
Update all /nanoui uis attached to src_object
@param src_object /obj|/mob The obj or mob which the uis are attached to
@return int The number of uis updated
Update /nanoui uis belonging to user
@param user /mob The mob who owns the uis @param src_object /obj|/mob If src_object is provided, only update uis which are attached to src_object (optional) @param ui_key string If ui_key is provided, only update uis with a matching ui_key (optional)
@return int The number of uis updated
This is called on user logout Closes/clears all uis attached to the user's /mob
@param user /mob The user's mob
@return nothing
This is called when a player transfers from one mob to another Transfers all open UIs to the new mob
@param oldMob /mob The user's old mob @param newMob /mob The user's new mob
@return nothing