Vars | |
fauna_templates | Spawn info cached for each fauna types. Basically a cached entry for each critter that tells us what to change on them after spawn. |
fauna_types | Weighted list of fauna that can possibly spawn. |
level_data_id | Id of the level we operate on |
live_fauna | List of fauna refs to those that are alive currently and tied to this generator. |
live_megafauna | List of megafauna refs to those that are alive currently and tied to this generator. |
max_fauna_alive | Maximum amount of live fauna at one time |
max_megafauna_alive | Maximum amount of mega fauna at one time |
megafauna_templates | Spawn info cached for each megafauna types. Basically a cached entry for each critter that tells us what to change on them after spawn. |
megafauna_types | Weighted list of megafauna that can possibly spawn. |
repopulate_fauna_threshold | Amount of animal alive below which we'll try to respawn animals. This value starts at max_alive, and goes down each times we empty the respawn queue by half |
repopulate_megafauna_threshold | Amount of live megafauna below which respawning will occur |
repopulation_interval | Realtime interval between checks for repopulation |
respawn_queue | List of fauna/megafauna types to respawn after they died. |
species_names | List of named species for this planet. Handles custom species names that can be attributed to animal via xenobio stuff. |
time_last_repop | Realtime of day when we last repopulated |
Var Details
Spawn info cached for each fauna types. Basically a cached entry for each critter that tells us what to change on them after spawn.
Weighted list of fauna that can possibly spawn.
Id of the level we operate on
List of fauna refs to those that are alive currently and tied to this generator.
List of megafauna refs to those that are alive currently and tied to this generator.
Maximum amount of live fauna at one time
Maximum amount of mega fauna at one time
Spawn info cached for each megafauna types. Basically a cached entry for each critter that tells us what to change on them after spawn.
Weighted list of megafauna that can possibly spawn.
Amount of animal alive below which we'll try to respawn animals. This value starts at max_alive, and goes down each times we empty the respawn queue by half
Amount of live megafauna below which respawning will occur
Realtime interval between checks for repopulation
List of fauna/megafauna types to respawn after they died.
List of named species for this planet. Handles custom species names that can be attributed to animal via xenobio stuff.
Realtime of day when we last repopulated