A randomly generated "tempate" for an planet-like objects. Meant to standardize how random planets are generated so it behave like all other map templates.
Vars | |
adjacent_levels_east | Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate east of the root z-level stack. Tallness is same as root. |
adjacent_levels_north | Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate north of the root z-level stack. Setting this to 1 for instance will generate a stack of zlevels connecting to the north of all z-levels below the root level. Tallness is same as root. |
adjacent_levels_south | Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate south of the root z-level stack. Tallness is same as root. |
adjacent_levels_west | Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate west of the root z-level stack. Tallness is same as root. |
amount_shuttle_landing_points | Amount of shuttle landing points to generate on the surface level of the planet. If null, none will be generated. |
max_shuttle_radius | The maximum shuttle "radius" for the shuttle landing points that will be generated. |
max_themes | Maximum amount of themes that can be picked for the same planet. |
overmap_marker_type | The type of overmap marker object to use for this planet |
possible_themes | List of theme types that can be picked by this planet when generating. |
prefered_level_data_per_z | A list of the same length as there are zlevels on this map(index is z level count in order). Each entry is a level_data type, or null. If defined, will override the level_data_type var for the specified z-level. |
subtemplate_budget | Maximume amount of subtemplates/ruins/sites that may be picked and spawned on the planet. |
surface_level_index | The index of the generated level that will be considered the planet's surface for this generated planet counting from top to bottom. The surface here implies the first "solid ground" z-level from the top. |
template_category | Ruin sites map template category to use for creating ruins on this planet. |
template_tags_blacklist | Bit flag of the ruin tags that may never be picked for this planet. |
template_tags_whitelist | Bit flag of the only ruin tags that may be picked by this planet. |
Procs | |
build_adjacent_z_stacks | Build a stack that's adjacent to the specified stack. |
build_z_stack | Create a new z-level stack that's connected to an existing z stack, on the given direction. |
generate_features | Picks all ruins and tries to spawn them on the levels that make up the planet. |
generate_landing | Tries to place landing areas for shuttles on the surface level of the planet. Run after generation is complete to avoid bad surprises! |
generate_levels | Create individual levels linked to this planet. Must be called after basic planet stuff has been generated(atmosphere, habitability, etc..) |
generate_weather | Make sure all levels of this planet have the weather system setup. |
setup_planet_overmap | Call after map is fully generated. Setup the overmap obj to match the planet we just generated. |
Var Details
Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate east of the root z-level stack. Tallness is same as root.
Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate north of the root z-level stack. Setting this to 1 for instance will generate a stack of zlevels connecting to the north of all z-levels below the root level. Tallness is same as root.
Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate south of the root z-level stack. Tallness is same as root.
Amount of adjacent stacked z-levels to generate west of the root z-level stack. Tallness is same as root.
Amount of shuttle landing points to generate on the surface level of the planet. If null, none will be generated.
The maximum shuttle "radius" for the shuttle landing points that will be generated.
Maximum amount of themes that can be picked for the same planet.
The type of overmap marker object to use for this planet
List of theme types that can be picked by this planet when generating.
A list of the same length as there are zlevels on this map(index is z level count in order). Each entry is a level_data type, or null. If defined, will override the level_data_type var for the specified z-level.
Maximume amount of subtemplates/ruins/sites that may be picked and spawned on the planet.
The index of the generated level that will be considered the planet's surface for this generated planet counting from top to bottom. The surface here implies the first "solid ground" z-level from the top.
Ruin sites map template category to use for creating ruins on this planet.
Bit flag of the ruin tags that may never be picked for this planet.
Bit flag of the only ruin tags that may be picked by this planet.
Proc Details
Build a stack that's adjacent to the specified stack.
Create a new z-level stack that's connected to an existing z stack, on the given direction.
Picks all ruins and tries to spawn them on the levels that make up the planet.
Tries to place landing areas for shuttles on the surface level of the planet. Run after generation is complete to avoid bad surprises!
Create individual levels linked to this planet. Must be called after basic planet stuff has been generated(atmosphere, habitability, etc..)
Make sure all levels of this planet have the weather system setup.
Call after map is fully generated. Setup the overmap obj to match the planet we just generated.