Vars | |
_enemies | Who are our sworn enemies? Lazylist of weakrefs. |
_friends | Who are we friends with? Lazylist of weakrefs. |
body | The parent mob we control. |
can_escape_buckles | Can we automatically escape from buckling? |
current_activity | What are we busy with currently? |
do_wander | Does the mob wander around when idle? |
emote_hear | Hearable emotes that this mob can randomly perform. |
emote_see | Unlike speak_emote, the list of things in this variable only show by themselves with no spoken text. IE: Ian barks, Ian yaps |
emote_speech | Strings shown when this mob speaks and is not understood. |
executing_path | Current path for A* pathfinding. |
expected_type | Type of mob this AI applies to. |
next_target_scan_time | Time tracker for next target scan. |
path_frustration | A counter for times we have failed to progress along our path. |
path_obstacles | A list of any obstacles we should path around in future. |
speak_chance | A prob chance of speaking. |
spooked_by_grab | Should we retaliate/startle when grabbed or buckled? |
stance | What is our current general attitude and demeanor? |
stop_wander | Use this to temporarely stop random movement or to if you write special movement code for animals. |
stop_wander_when_pulled | When set to 1 this stops the animal from moving when someone is grabbing it. |
target_ref | Reference to the atom we are targetting. |
target_scan_delay | How long minimum between scans. |
target_scan_distance | Radius of target scan area when looking for valid targets. Set to 0 to disable target scanning. |
try_destroy_surroundings | Aggressive AI var; defined here for reference without casting. |
turns_per_wander | How many life ticks should pass before we wander? |
turns_since_wander | How many life ticks have passed since our last wander? |
wander_directions | What directions can we wander in? Uses global.cardinal if unset. |
Procs | |
scooped_by | General-purpose scooping reaction proc, used by /passive. Returns TRUE if the scoop should proceed, FALSE if it should be canceled. |
Var Details
Who are our sworn enemies? Lazylist of weakrefs.
Who are we friends with? Lazylist of weakrefs.
The parent mob we control.
Can we automatically escape from buckling?
What are we busy with currently?
Does the mob wander around when idle?
Hearable emotes that this mob can randomly perform.
Unlike speak_emote, the list of things in this variable only show by themselves with no spoken text. IE: Ian barks, Ian yaps
Strings shown when this mob speaks and is not understood.
Current path for A* pathfinding.
Type of mob this AI applies to.
Time tracker for next target scan.
A counter for times we have failed to progress along our path.
A list of any obstacles we should path around in future.
A prob chance of speaking.
Should we retaliate/startle when grabbed or buckled?
What is our current general attitude and demeanor?
Use this to temporarely stop random movement or to if you write special movement code for animals.
When set to 1 this stops the animal from moving when someone is grabbing it.
Reference to the atom we are targetting.
How long minimum between scans.
Radius of target scan area when looking for valid targets. Set to 0 to disable target scanning.
Aggressive AI var; defined here for reference without casting.
How many life ticks should pass before we wander?
How many life ticks have passed since our last wander?
What directions can we wander in? Uses global.cardinal if unset.
Proc Details
General-purpose scooping reaction proc, used by /passive. Returns TRUE if the scoop should proceed, FALSE if it should be canceled.