Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesProc Details



nanoui class (or whatever Byond calls classes)

nanoui is used to open and update nano browser uis


NewCreate a new nanoui instance.
ProcessThis Process proc is called by SSnano. Use try_update() to make manual updates.
TopicThis Topic() proc is called whenever a user clicks on a link within a Nano UI If the UI status is currently STATUS_INTERACTIVE then call the src_object Topic() If the src_object Topic() returns 1 (true) then update all UIs attached to src_object
add_common_assetsUse this proc to add assets which are common to (and required by) all nano uis
add_scriptAdd a JavaScript script to this UI These must be added before the UI has been opened, adding after that will have no effect
add_stylesheetAdd a CSS stylesheet to this UI These must be added before the UI has been opened, adding after that will have no effect
add_templateAdd a template for this UI Templates are combined with the data sent to the UI to create the rendered view These must be added before the UI has been opened, adding after that will have no effect
closeClose this UI
get_config_dataGet config data to sent to the ui.
get_htmlReturn the HTML for this UI
get_send_dataGet data to sent to the ui.
on_close_winsetSet the UI window to call the nanoclose verb when the window is closed This allows Nano to handle closed windows
openOpen this UI
push_dataPush data to an already open UI window
reinitialiseReinitialise this UI, potentially with a different template and/or initial data
set_auto_updateSet the ui to auto update (every master_controller tick)
set_auto_update_contentSet the ui to update the main content (re-render it) on each update
set_auto_update_layoutSet the ui to update the layout (re-render it) on each update, turning this on will break the map ui (if it's being used)
set_initial_dataSet the initial data for the ui. This is vital as the data structure set here cannot be changed when pushing new updates.
set_layout_keySet the layout key for use in the frontend Javascript The layout key is the basic layout key for the page Two files are loaded on the client based on the layout key varable: -> a template in /nano/templates with the filename "layout_<layout_key>.tmpl -> a CSS stylesheet in /nano/css with the filename "layout_<layout_key>.css
set_map_z_levelToggle showing the map ui
set_show_mapToggle showing the map ui
set_state_keySet the state key for use in the frontend Javascript
set_statusSet the current status (also known as visibility) of this ui.
set_window_optionsSet the browser window options for this ui
try_updateProcess this UI, updating the entire UI or just the status (aka visibility)
updateUpdate the UI
update_statusUpdate the status (visibility) of this ui based on the user's status
use_on_close_logicSet whether or not to use the "old" on close logic (mainly unset_machine())

Proc Details


Create a new nanoui instance.

@param nuser /mob The mob who has opened/owns this ui @param nsrc_object /obj|/mob The obj or mob which this ui belongs to @param nui_key string A string key to use for this ui. Allows for multiple unique uis on one src_oject @param ntemplate string The filename of the template file from /nano/templates (e.g. "my_template.tmpl") @param ntitle string The title of this ui @param nwidth int the width of the ui window @param nheight int the height of the ui window @param nref /atom A custom ref to use if "on_close_logic" is set to 1

@return /nanoui new nanoui object


This Process proc is called by SSnano. Use try_update() to make manual updates.


This Topic() proc is called whenever a user clicks on a link within a Nano UI If the UI status is currently STATUS_INTERACTIVE then call the src_object Topic() If the src_object Topic() returns 1 (true) then update all UIs attached to src_object

@return nothing


Use this proc to add assets which are common to (and required by) all nano uis

@return nothing


Add a JavaScript script to this UI These must be added before the UI has been opened, adding after that will have no effect

@param file string The name of the JavaScript file from /nano/js (e.g. "my_script.js")

@return nothing


Add a CSS stylesheet to this UI These must be added before the UI has been opened, adding after that will have no effect

@param file string The name of the CSS file from /nano/css (e.g. "my_style.css")

@return nothing


Add a template for this UI Templates are combined with the data sent to the UI to create the rendered view These must be added before the UI has been opened, adding after that will have no effect

@param key string The key which is used to reference this template in the frontend @param filename string The name of the template file from /nano/templates (e.g. "my_template.tmpl")

@return nothing


Close this UI

@return nothing


Get config data to sent to the ui.

@return /list config data


Return the HTML for this UI

@return string HTML for the UI


Get data to sent to the ui.

@param data /list The list of general data for this ui (can be null to use previous data sent)

@return /list data to send to the ui


Set the UI window to call the nanoclose verb when the window is closed This allows Nano to handle closed windows

@return nothing


Open this UI

@return nothing


Push data to an already open UI window

@return nothing


Reinitialise this UI, potentially with a different template and/or initial data

@return nothing


Set the ui to auto update (every master_controller tick)

@param state int (bool) Set auto update to 1 or 0 (true/false)

@return nothing


Set the ui to update the main content (re-render it) on each update

@param state int (bool) Set update to 1 or 0 (true/false) (default 1)

@return nothing


Set the ui to update the layout (re-render it) on each update, turning this on will break the map ui (if it's being used)

@param state int (bool) Set update to 1 or 0 (true/false) (default 0)

@return nothing


Set the initial data for the ui. This is vital as the data structure set here cannot be changed when pushing new updates.

@param data /list The list of data for this ui

@return nothing


Set the layout key for use in the frontend Javascript The layout key is the basic layout key for the page Two files are loaded on the client based on the layout key varable: -> a template in /nano/templates with the filename "layout_<layout_key>.tmpl -> a CSS stylesheet in /nano/css with the filename "layout_<layout_key>.css

@param nlayout string The layout key to use

@return nothing


Toggle showing the map ui

@param nstate_key boolean 1 to show map, 0 to hide (default is 0)

@return nothing


Toggle showing the map ui

@param nstate_key boolean 1 to show map, 0 to hide (default is 0)

@return nothing


Set the state key for use in the frontend Javascript

@param nstate_key string The key of the state to use

@return nothing


Set the current status (also known as visibility) of this ui.

@param state int The status to set, see the defines at the top of this file @param push_update int (bool) Push an update to the ui to update it's status (an update is always sent if the status has changed to red (0))

@return nothing


Set the browser window options for this ui

@param nwindow_options string The new window options

@return nothing


Process this UI, updating the entire UI or just the status (aka visibility)

@param update string For this UI to update

@return nothing


Update the UI

@return nothing


Update the status (visibility) of this ui based on the user's status

@param push_update int (bool) Push an update to the ui to update it's status. This is set to 0/false if an update is going to be pushed anyway (to avoid unnessary updates)

@return 1 if closed, null otherwise.


Set whether or not to use the "old" on close logic (mainly unset_machine())

@param state int (bool) Set on_close_logic to 1 or 0 (true/false)

@return nothing