Timed Event 
This is the actual timer, it contains the callback and necessary data to maintain the timer.
See the documentation for the timer subsystem for an explanation of the buckets referenced below in next and prev
Vars | |
bucket_joined | Boolean indicating if timer joined into bucket |
bucket_pos | Initial bucket position |
callBack | The callback to invoke after the timer completes |
flags | Flags associated with the timer, see _DEFINES/subsystems.dm |
hash | Unique hash generated when TIMER_UNIQUE flag is present |
id | ID used for timers when the TIMER_STOPPABLE flag is present |
name | An informative name generated for the timer as its representation in strings, useful for debugging |
next | Next timed event in the bucket |
prev | Previous timed event in the bucket |
source | The source of the timedevent, whatever called addtimer |
spent | Time at which the timer was invoked or destroyed |
timeToRun | The time at which the callback should be invoked at |
timer_subsystem | The timer subsystem this event is associated with |
wait | The length of the timer |
Procs | |
bucketEject | Removes this timed event from any relevant buckets, or the secondary queue |
bucketJoin | Attempts to add this timed event to a bucket, will enter the secondary queue if there are no appropriate buckets at this time. |
getcallingtype | Returns a string of the type of the callback for this timer |
Var Details
Boolean indicating if timer joined into bucket
Initial bucket position
The callback to invoke after the timer completes
Flags associated with the timer, see _DEFINES/subsystems.dm
Unique hash generated when TIMER_UNIQUE flag is present
ID used for timers when the TIMER_STOPPABLE flag is present
An informative name generated for the timer as its representation in strings, useful for debugging
Next timed event in the bucket
Previous timed event in the bucket
The source of the timedevent, whatever called addtimer
Time at which the timer was invoked or destroyed
The time at which the callback should be invoked at
The timer subsystem this event is associated with
The length of the timer
Proc Details
Removes this timed event from any relevant buckets, or the secondary queue
Attempts to add this timed event to a bucket, will enter the secondary queue if there are no appropriate buckets at this time.
Secondary queueing of timed events will occur when the timespan covered by the existing buckets is exceeded by the time at which this timed event is scheduled to be invoked. If the timed event is tracking client time, it will be added to a special bucket.
Returns a string of the type of the callback for this timer