Vars | |
additional_emotes | Add emotes to this list to add them to the defaults (ie. a humanoid species that also has a purr) |
apply_encased | Associative list of organ_tag = "encased value". If set, sets the organ's encased var to the corresponding value; used in surgery. If the list is set, organ tags not present in the list will get encased set to null. |
arterial_bleed_multiplier | Used to modify the arterial_bleed_severity of organs. |
body_flags | A bitfield representing various bodytype-specific features. |
breathing_organ | If set, an organ with this tag is required for breathing |
cold_discomfort_strings | Aesthetic messages about feeling chilly. |
default_emotes | Generalized emote list available to mobs with this bodytype. |
desc | Seen when examining a prosthetic limb, if non-null. |
edible_reagent | The reagent organs are filled with, which currently affects what mobs that eat the organ will receive. TODO: Remove this in a later matter edibility refactor. |
eye_base_low_light_vision | Fractional multiplier (0 to 1) for the base alpha of the darkness overlay. A value of 1 means darkness is completely invisible. |
eye_flash_mod | Stun from blindness modifier. |
eye_low_light_vision_adjustment_speed | The rate at which low light vision adjusts towards the final value, as a fractional multiplier of the difference between the current and target alphas. ie. set to 0.15 for a 15% shift towards the target value each tick. |
eye_low_light_vision_effectiveness | Fractional multiplier for the overall effectiveness of low light vision for this species. Caps the final alpha value of the darkness plane. |
eye_low_light_vision_threshold | The lumcount (turf luminosity) threshold under which adaptive low light vision will begin processing. |
hardiness | Modifies min and max broken damage for the limb. |
has_eyes | Determines if eyes should render on heads using this bodytype. |
has_limbs | Associative list of organ_tag = organ_data. Organ data currently supports setting "path" and "descriptor", while "has_children" is automatically set. |
has_organ | Associative list of organ tags (ex. BP_HEART) to paths. Used to initialize organs and to check if a bodytype 'should have' (this can mean 'can have' or 'needs') an organ. |
heat_discomfort_strings | Aesthetic messages about feeling warm. |
is_robotic | Determines if this bodytype can be repaired by nanopaste, sparks when damaged, can malfunction, and can take EMP damage. |
limb_mapping | An associative list of target zones (ex. BP_CHEST, BP_MOUTH) mapped to all possible keys associated with the zone. Used for species with body layouts that do not map directly to a standard humanoid body. |
limb_tech | What tech levels should limbs of this type use/need? |
manual_dexterity | For hands, determines the dexterity value passed to get_manual_dexterity(). If null, defers to species. |
matter | Used to initialize organ matter |
modifier_string | Prefixed to the initial name of the limb, if non-null. |
modular_limb_tier | Determines how the limb behaves with regards to manual attachment/detachment. |
movement_slowdown | Applies a slowdown value to this limb. |
nail_noun | Used when filing your nails. |
name | Name used in general. |
organ_material | Used to initialize organ material |
override_limb_types | This list is merged into has_limbs in bodytype initialization. Used for species that only need to change one or two entries in has_limbs. |
pref_name | Name used in preference bodytype selection. Defaults to name. |
removed_emotes | Add emotes to this list to remove them from defaults (ie. blinking for a species with no eyes) |
rotate_on_prone | Set to FALSE if the mob will update prone icon based on state rather than transform. |
vision_organ | If set, an organ with this tag is required for vision. |
vital_organ_failure_death_delay | The grace period before mob death when an organ in vital_organs is lost |
vital_organs | Losing an organ from this list will give a grace period of vital_organ_failure_death_delay then kill the mob. |
Var Details
Add emotes to this list to add them to the defaults (ie. a humanoid species that also has a purr)
Associative list of organ_tag = "encased value". If set, sets the organ's encased var to the corresponding value; used in surgery. If the list is set, organ tags not present in the list will get encased set to null.
Used to modify the arterial_bleed_severity of organs.
A bitfield representing various bodytype-specific features.
If set, an organ with this tag is required for breathing
Aesthetic messages about feeling chilly.
Generalized emote list available to mobs with this bodytype.
Seen when examining a prosthetic limb, if non-null.
The reagent organs are filled with, which currently affects what mobs that eat the organ will receive. TODO: Remove this in a later matter edibility refactor.
Fractional multiplier (0 to 1) for the base alpha of the darkness overlay. A value of 1 means darkness is completely invisible.
Stun from blindness modifier.
The rate at which low light vision adjusts towards the final value, as a fractional multiplier of the difference between the current and target alphas. ie. set to 0.15 for a 15% shift towards the target value each tick.
Fractional multiplier for the overall effectiveness of low light vision for this species. Caps the final alpha value of the darkness plane.
The lumcount (turf luminosity) threshold under which adaptive low light vision will begin processing.
Modifies min and max broken damage for the limb.
Determines if eyes should render on heads using this bodytype.
Associative list of organ_tag = organ_data. Organ data currently supports setting "path" and "descriptor", while "has_children" is automatically set.
Associative list of organ tags (ex. BP_HEART) to paths. Used to initialize organs and to check if a bodytype 'should have' (this can mean 'can have' or 'needs') an organ.
Aesthetic messages about feeling warm.
Determines if this bodytype can be repaired by nanopaste, sparks when damaged, can malfunction, and can take EMP damage.
An associative list of target zones (ex. BP_CHEST, BP_MOUTH) mapped to all possible keys associated with the zone. Used for species with body layouts that do not map directly to a standard humanoid body.
What tech levels should limbs of this type use/need?
For hands, determines the dexterity value passed to get_manual_dexterity(). If null, defers to species.
Used to initialize organ matter
Prefixed to the initial name of the limb, if non-null.
Determines how the limb behaves with regards to manual attachment/detachment.
Applies a slowdown value to this limb.
Used when filing your nails.
Name used in general.
Used to initialize organ material
This list is merged into has_limbs in bodytype initialization. Used for species that only need to change one or two entries in has_limbs.
Name used in preference bodytype selection. Defaults to name.
Add emotes to this list to remove them from defaults (ie. blinking for a species with no eyes)
Set to FALSE if the mob will update prone icon based on state rather than transform.
If set, an organ with this tag is required for vision.
The grace period before mob death when an organ in vital_organs
is lost
Losing an organ from this list will give a grace period of vital_organ_failure_death_delay
then kill the mob.