Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



applies_to_partDetermines which bodyparts can use this limb.
required_map_techProsthetics of this type are not available in chargen unless the map has the required tech level.


check_can_installUsed to check if a prosthetic bodytype can be installed with a certain base bodytype/for a certain organ slot. Parameters: var/target_slot Parameters: var/target_bodytype - the bodytype_category we're checking

Var Details


Determines which bodyparts can use this limb.


Prosthetics of this type are not available in chargen unless the map has the required tech level.

Proc Details


Used to check if a prosthetic bodytype can be installed with a certain base bodytype/for a certain organ slot. Parameters: var/target_slot Parameters: var/target_bodytype - the bodytype_category we're checking