Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



allergen_flagsWhat allergens are present on this material?
antibiotic_strengthDoes this reagent have an antibiotic effect (helping with infections)?
bakes_into_materialDoes high temperature baking change this material into something else?
boil_evaporation_per_runHow much of this boils away per evaporation run?
boiling_pointK, point that material will become a gas.
brute_armorBrute damage to a wall is divided by this value if the wall is reinforced by this material.
burn_armorSame as above, but for Burn damage type. If blank brute_armor's value is used.
can_boil_to_gasSemi-temporary fix to issues with soup/tea boil-off - only set to TRUE on water and ethanol at time of commit.
coated_adjectiveWhat word is used to describe an item covered in/stained by this by default? Can be overridden by get_coated_adjective().
conductiveObjects with this var add CONDUCTS to flags on spawn.
crafting_skillWhen a stack recipe doesn't specify a skill to use, use this skill.
cut_delayDelay in ticks when cutting through this wall.
dug_drop_typeWhat form does this take if dug out of the ground, if any?
exoplanet_rarity_gasHow rare is this material in exoplanet atmospheres?
exoplanet_rarity_plantHow rare is this material in exoplanet xenoflora?
explosion_resistanceOnly used by walls currently.
fishing_bait_valueA multiplier for this material when used in fishing bait.
gemstone_chanceChance of a natural wall made of this material dropping a gemstone, if the gemstone_types list is populated.
gemstone_typesAssoc weighted list of gemstone material types to weighting.
glows_with_heatWhether or not billets of this material will glow with heat.
has_textile_fibersCan objects containing this material be used for textile spinning?
icon_reinfEither the icon used for reinforcement, or a list of icons to pick from.
ignition_pointK, point at which the material catches on fire.
integrityGeneral-use HP value for products.
latent_heatkJ/kg, enthalpy of vaporization
luminescenceDoes this material glow?
max_fluid_opacityHow opaque can fluids be?
melting_pointK, walls will take damage if they're next to a fire hotter than this
min_fluid_opacityHow transparent can fluids be?
nutriment_animalNutrition values!
opacityIs the material transparent? 0.5< makes transparent walls/doors.
paint_verbWhat verb is used when describing a colored piece of this material? e.g. 'dyed' or 'painted' If an item has a null paint_verb, it automatically sets it based on material.
radioactivityRadiation var. Used in wall and object processing to irradiate surroundings.
rich_material_weightOre generation constant for common materials.
skimmableDoes this material float to the top of liquids, allowing it to be skimmed off? Specific to cream at time of writing.
sparse_material_weightOre generation constant for rare materials.
tans_toIf set to a material type, stacks of this material will be able to be tanned on a drying rack after being wetted to convert them to tans_to.
temperature_burn_milestone_materialSet to a type to indicate that a type with a matching milestone type should be used as a reference point for burn temperatures.
temperature_damage_thresholdSet automatically if null based on ignition, boiling and melting point
tensile_strengthA relative value used only by fishing line at time of commit.
tillableWhether or not turfs made of this material can support plants.
turf_touch_thresholdPoint at which the fluid will proc turf interaction logic. Workaround for mops being ruined forever by 1u of anything else being added.
wall_support_valueUsed for checking if a material can function as a wall support.


build_coated_nameBuilds a string to describe a coating made up of this reagent (and others). This reagent will never be the primary reagent, however; that's handled in get_primary_coating_name. Receives the coating as an argument like get_coated_adjective, but also receives the accumulator list for more complex behaviors like adding to the start. It can't reliably handle things like removing another entry because ordering is not guaranteed, so beware if you need something like that.
create_objectGeneric material product (sheets, bricks, etc). Used ALL THE TIME. May return an instance list, a single instance, or nothing if there is no instance produced.
get_coated_adjectiveReturns a string to describe an item coated with this reagent (and others). Receives the coating reagent holder as an argument, so coating.my_atom is accessible and it can also conditionally use a different string for primary/non-primary materials, or if another liquid is present, e.g. 'wet bloody muddy shoes'.
get_primary_coating_nameGets the name used to describe a coating with this material as its primary reagent. This is mostly for handling special cases like mud.
get_time_to_dry_stainReturns (in deciseconds) how long until dry() will be called on this stain, or null to use the stain's default. If 0 is returned, it dries instantly. If any value below 0 is returned, it doesn't start processing.
handle_stain_dryUsed for material-dependent effects on stain dry. Return TRUE to skip default drying handling.
phase_at_temperatureReturns the phase of the matterial at the given temperature and pressure Defaults to standard temperature and pressure (20c at one atmosphere)
place_cuttingsPlaces downa as many shards as needed for the given amount of matter units. Returns a list of all the cuttings.

Var Details


What allergens are present on this material?


Does this reagent have an antibiotic effect (helping with infections)?


Does high temperature baking change this material into something else?


How much of this boils away per evaporation run?


K, point that material will become a gas.


Brute damage to a wall is divided by this value if the wall is reinforced by this material.


Same as above, but for Burn damage type. If blank brute_armor's value is used.


Semi-temporary fix to issues with soup/tea boil-off - only set to TRUE on water and ethanol at time of commit.


What word is used to describe an item covered in/stained by this by default? Can be overridden by get_coated_adjective().


Objects with this var add CONDUCTS to flags on spawn.


When a stack recipe doesn't specify a skill to use, use this skill.


Delay in ticks when cutting through this wall.


What form does this take if dug out of the ground, if any?


How rare is this material in exoplanet atmospheres?


How rare is this material in exoplanet xenoflora?


Only used by walls currently.


A multiplier for this material when used in fishing bait.


Chance of a natural wall made of this material dropping a gemstone, if the gemstone_types list is populated.


Assoc weighted list of gemstone material types to weighting.


Whether or not billets of this material will glow with heat.


Can objects containing this material be used for textile spinning?


Either the icon used for reinforcement, or a list of icons to pick from.


K, point at which the material catches on fire.


General-use HP value for products.


kJ/kg, enthalpy of vaporization




Does this material glow?


How opaque can fluids be?


K, walls will take damage if they're next to a fire hotter than this


How transparent can fluids be?




Nutrition values!


Is the material transparent? 0.5< makes transparent walls/doors.


What verb is used when describing a colored piece of this material? e.g. 'dyed' or 'painted' If an item has a null paint_verb, it automatically sets it based on material.


Radiation var. Used in wall and object processing to irradiate surroundings.


Ore generation constant for common materials.


Does this material float to the top of liquids, allowing it to be skimmed off? Specific to cream at time of writing.




Ore generation constant for rare materials.


If set to a material type, stacks of this material will be able to be tanned on a drying rack after being wetted to convert them to tans_to.


Set to a type to indicate that a type with a matching milestone type should be used as a reference point for burn temperatures.


Set automatically if null based on ignition, boiling and melting point


A relative value used only by fishing line at time of commit.


Whether or not turfs made of this material can support plants.


Point at which the fluid will proc turf interaction logic. Workaround for mops being ruined forever by 1u of anything else being added.


Used for checking if a material can function as a wall support.

Proc Details


Builds a string to describe a coating made up of this reagent (and others). This reagent will never be the primary reagent, however; that's handled in get_primary_coating_name. Receives the coating as an argument like get_coated_adjective, but also receives the accumulator list for more complex behaviors like adding to the start. It can't reliably handle things like removing another entry because ordering is not guaranteed, so beware if you need something like that.


Generic material product (sheets, bricks, etc). Used ALL THE TIME. May return an instance list, a single instance, or nothing if there is no instance produced.


Returns a string to describe an item coated with this reagent (and others). Receives the coating reagent holder as an argument, so coating.my_atom is accessible and it can also conditionally use a different string for primary/non-primary materials, or if another liquid is present, e.g. 'wet bloody muddy shoes'.


Gets the name used to describe a coating with this material as its primary reagent. This is mostly for handling special cases like mud.


Returns (in deciseconds) how long until dry() will be called on this stain, or null to use the stain's default. If 0 is returned, it dries instantly. If any value below 0 is returned, it doesn't start processing.


Used for material-dependent effects on stain dry. Return TRUE to skip default drying handling.


Returns the phase of the matterial at the given temperature and pressure Defaults to standard temperature and pressure (20c at one atmosphere)


Places downa as many shards as needed for the given amount of matter units. Returns a list of all the cuttings.