Vars | |
author | A string with authors of this modpack. |
credits_adjectives | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_adventure_names | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_crew_names | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_crew_outcomes | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_holidays | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_nouns | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_other | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
credits_topics | A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll. |
desc | A string desc for the modpack. Can be used for modpack verb list as description. |
dreams | A list of strings to be added to the random dream proc. |
name | A string name for the modpack. Used for looking up other modpacks in init. |
nanoui_directory | The folder to load additional NanoUI templates from. Must be relative to the DME's location (root game folder). |
tabloid_headlines | A list of headline and article data used by the tabloids modpack. |
tabloid_publishers | A list of name strings used by the tabloids modpack. |
Procs | |
on_roundstart | This runs on-roundstart after roundstart characters have been created. |
Var Details
A string with authors of this modpack.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A list of strings that are used by the end of round credits roll.
A string desc for the modpack. Can be used for modpack verb list as description.
A list of strings to be added to the random dream proc.
A string name for the modpack. Used for looking up other modpacks in init.
The folder to load additional NanoUI templates from. Must be relative to the DME's location (root game folder).
A list of headline and article data used by the tabloids modpack.
A list of name strings used by the tabloids modpack.
Proc Details
This runs on-roundstart after roundstart characters have been created.