Vars | |
allow_multiple_craft | Used to prevent multiple being crafted at once. |
apply_material_name | Whether the recipe will prepend a material name to the title - 'steel clipboard' vs 'clipboard'. |
available_to_map_tech_level | Category var used to discriminate recipes per-map. Unrelated to origin_tech. |
category | If set, will group recipes under a stack recipe list. |
craft_stack_types | What stack types can be used to make this recipe? |
crafting_extra_cost_factor | Modifies the matter values retrieved by req_amount calculation. Should always be more than 1. |
difficulty | Higher difficulty requires higher skill level to make. |
expected_product_type | Used to validate some checks like matter (since /turf has no matter). |
forbidden_craft_stack_types | What stack types cannot be used to make this recipe? |
gender | Used for name grammar, grabbed from product if null. |
name | Descriptive name, omitting any materials etc. Taken from product if null. |
name_plural | Descriptive name for multiple products, uses "[name]s" if null. |
on_floor | If set will be created on the floor instead of in-hand. |
one_per_turf | If set, only one of this object can be made per turf. |
recipe_skill | Skill to check for the recipe. |
req_amount | Amount of matter units needed for this recipe. If null, generates from result matter. |
required_integrity | Minimum material integrity value. |
required_material | Can this recipe use a material? Set to type for a specific material. |
required_max_hardness | Maximum material hardness value. |
required_max_opacity | Maximum material opacity value. |
required_min_hardness | Minimum material hardness value. |
required_reinforce_material | Can this recipe use a reinforced material? Set to type for a specific material. |
required_tool | Tool archetype required, if any. |
required_wall_support_value | Minimum material wall support value. |
result_type | Object path to the desired product. |
set_dir_on_spawn | Sets direction to the crafting user on creation. |
test_result_type | Object path to use in unit testing; leave null to use result_type instead. Useful for items that require a material to Initialize() correctly as testing tries to use a null material. |
time | Time it takes for this recipe to be crafted (not including skill and tool modifiers). If null, generates from product w_class and difficulty. |
Var Details
Used to prevent multiple being crafted at once.
Whether the recipe will prepend a material name to the title - 'steel clipboard' vs 'clipboard'.
Category var used to discriminate recipes per-map. Unrelated to origin_tech.
If set, will group recipes under a stack recipe list.
What stack types can be used to make this recipe?
Modifies the matter values retrieved by req_amount calculation. Should always be more than 1.
Higher difficulty requires higher skill level to make.
Used to validate some checks like matter (since /turf has no matter).
What stack types cannot be used to make this recipe?
Used for name grammar, grabbed from product if null.
Descriptive name, omitting any materials etc. Taken from product if null.
Descriptive name for multiple products, uses "[name]s" if null.
If set will be created on the floor instead of in-hand.
If set, only one of this object can be made per turf.
Skill to check for the recipe.
Amount of matter units needed for this recipe. If null, generates from result matter.
Minimum material integrity value.
Can this recipe use a material? Set to type for a specific material.
Maximum material hardness value.
Maximum material opacity value.
Minimum material hardness value.
Can this recipe use a reinforced material? Set to type for a specific material.
Tool archetype required, if any.
Minimum material wall support value.
Object path to the desired product.
Sets direction to the crafting user on creation.
Object path to use in unit testing; leave null to use result_type instead. Useful for items that require a material to Initialize() correctly as testing tries to use a null material.
Time it takes for this recipe to be crafted (not including skill and tool modifiers). If null, generates from product w_class and difficulty.