Vars | |
available_at_chargen | Whether or not trait is shown in chargen prefs |
available_at_map_tech | Whether this trait should be available on a map with a given tech leve. |
blocked_species | What species cannot select this trait in chargen? |
category | Header for root traits in char prefs. |
children | Aspects with this trait as a parent |
description | Flavour text. |
incompatible_with | Typelist of traits that prevent this one from being taken |
levels | A list of possible values for this trait. Should either only contain TRAIT_LEVEL_EXISTS or a set of the other TRAIT_LEVEL_* levels |
name | String identifier. |
parent | Parent/prerequisite for this trait. |
permitted_species | What species can select this trait in chargen? |
reapply_on_rejuvenation | Whether or not a rejuvenation should apply this aspect. |
trait_cost | Number of points spent or gained by taking this trait |
Procs | |
get_chargen_desc | A getter for the desc shown in the preferences menu. Can be overridden for custom behavior based on prefs. |
get_chargen_name | A getter for the name shown in the preferences menu. Can be overridden for custom behavior based on prefs. |
Var Details
Whether or not trait is shown in chargen prefs
Whether this trait should be available on a map with a given tech leve.
What species cannot select this trait in chargen?
Header for root traits in char prefs.
Aspects with this trait as a parent
Flavour text.
Typelist of traits that prevent this one from being taken
A list of possible values for this trait. Should either only contain TRAIT_LEVEL_EXISTS or a set of the other TRAIT_LEVEL_* levels
String identifier.
Parent/prerequisite for this trait.
What species can select this trait in chargen?
Whether or not a rejuvenation should apply this aspect.
Number of points spent or gained by taking this trait
Proc Details
A getter for the desc shown in the preferences menu. Can be overridden for custom behavior based on prefs.
A getter for the name shown in the preferences menu. Can be overridden for custom behavior based on prefs.