Vars | |
_on_fire | The "Are we on fire?" var. Use of is_on_fire() is preferred instead. |
backpack_setup | Used by equip code to determine backpack overrides. |
flash_protection | Total level of flash protection |
has_had_gripper | Has this mob -ever- had a gripper? Used to skip hand checks in some cases. |
jumping | For leaping and vaulting. |
last_taste_text | the second is the message in question. |
last_taste_time | these two help govern taste. The first is the last time a taste message was shown to the player. |
next_restraint_chew | Timer for chewing off your hand when cuffed. |
next_special_ability | Used by the resist verb and some mob abilities. |
player_triggered_sleeping | Whether or not this mob has a client who wishes to sleep indefinitely. |
stance_damage | Whether this mob's ability to stand has been affected |
stat_organs | Organ instances that should report info to Stat(). |
step_count | Var used to track current step for footsteps sounds. |
weather_sensitive | Should this mob subscribe to the weather system for periodic weather effects? |
Procs | |
CanonizeTraits | Sets the traits list to null if it's identical to the species list. Returns TRUE if the list was reset and FALSE otherwise. |
RemoveExtrinsicTrait | Removes a trait unless it exists on the species. If it does exist on the species, we reset it to the species' trait level. |
add_to_dead_mob_list | Death Handling |
add_walking_contaminant | Adds amount units of material_type contaminant to whatever we're walking with,
be it shoes, normal human feet, dog paws, robot treads, a million millipede legs,
the sky's the limit. If multiple targets are returned from
get_walking_contaminant_targets() , then amount is split evenly
between them. |
can_devour | Return FALSE if victim can't be devoured, DEVOUR_FAST if they can be devoured quickly, DEVOUR_SLOW for slow devour |
devour | Attempt to devour victim |
get_heat_protection_flags | This proc returns a number made up of the flags for body parts which you are protected on. (such as HEAD, SLOT_UPPER_BODY, SLOT_LOWER_BODY, etc. Temperature parameter is the temperature you're being exposed to. |
set_stat | Stat Handling |
should_have_limb | Returns null if the mob's bodytype doesn't have a limb tag by default. Otherwise, returns the data of the limb instead. |
Var Details
The "Are we on fire?" var. Use of is_on_fire() is preferred instead.
Used by equip code to determine backpack overrides.
Total level of flash protection
Has this mob -ever- had a gripper? Used to skip hand checks in some cases.
For leaping and vaulting.
the second is the message in question.
these two help govern taste. The first is the last time a taste message was shown to the player.
Timer for chewing off your hand when cuffed.
Used by the resist verb and some mob abilities.
Whether or not this mob has a client who wishes to sleep indefinitely.
Whether this mob's ability to stand has been affected
Organ instances that should report info to Stat().
Var used to track current step for footsteps sounds.
Should this mob subscribe to the weather system for periodic weather effects?
Proc Details
Sets the traits list to null if it's identical to the species list. Returns TRUE if the list was reset and FALSE otherwise.
Removes a trait unless it exists on the species. If it does exist on the species, we reset it to the species' trait level.
Death Handling
Adds amount
units of material_type
contaminant to whatever we're walking with,
be it shoes, normal human feet, dog paws, robot treads, a million millipede legs,
the sky's the limit. If multiple targets are returned from
, then amount
is split evenly
between them.
Return FALSE if victim can't be devoured, DEVOUR_FAST if they can be devoured quickly, DEVOUR_SLOW for slow devour
Attempt to devour victim
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
This proc returns a number made up of the flags for body parts which you are protected on. (such as HEAD, SLOT_UPPER_BODY, SLOT_LOWER_BODY, etc. Temperature parameter is the temperature you're being exposed to.
Stat Handling
Returns null if the mob's bodytype doesn't have a limb tag by default. Otherwise, returns the data of the limb instead.