Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Overmap marker for a planet-like entity.


planetoid_idID of the associated planetoid data id for lookup.
skybox_iconThe icon file to use for this planetoid's skybox image
skybox_imageSkybox background image when floating in space above this sector. Generated at runtime
surface_colorColor of the primary layer of the skybox image
water_colorColor of the secondary layer of the skybox image. Is usually water-like features.


generate_skybox_imageGenerates the skybox background displayed when a ship or viewer is in a sector above the planetoid
generate_skybox_planetoid_cloudsGenerates the cloud cover over the planetoid.
generate_skybox_planetoid_haloGenerates the halo underlay around the planetoid if there's any.
generate_skybox_planetoid_ringsGenerate the planetoid's rings overlay if it has rings
generate_skybox_planetoid_shadingGenerates the planetoid's shadow and rimlight overlays
generate_skybox_planetoid_surfaceGenerates the raw base/surface of the planetoid skybox image.
get_atmosphereReturns the planetoid's atmosphere if there's any
get_planetoid_dataReturns the /datum/planetoid_data associated with planet this overmap marker represents.
get_ring_colorReturns the color for the ring overlay
get_ring_type_nameReturns the name of the type of ring overlay to use for the planetary rings. Basically, the icon_state for the planetoid's rings
get_skybox_primary_surfaceReturns the image for the planetary surface of the skybox background image.
get_skybox_representationGet cached skybox background image.
get_skybox_secondary_surfaceReturns the image for the secondary planetary feature of the surface of the skybox background image. Usually is the color of the oceans on the surface.
get_strataReturns the strata associated to the planetoid we represent
get_surface_colorGet the primary surface color used for the skybox image
has_ringsWhether to draw rings on the planet's skybox image, and aknowledge anywhere else that it has rings.
update_from_dataUpdate our name, and refs to match the planetoid we're representing

Var Details


ID of the associated planetoid data id for lookup.


The icon file to use for this planetoid's skybox image


Skybox background image when floating in space above this sector. Generated at runtime


Color of the primary layer of the skybox image


Color of the secondary layer of the skybox image. Is usually water-like features.

Proc Details


Generates the skybox background displayed when a ship or viewer is in a sector above the planetoid


Generates the cloud cover over the planetoid.


Generates the halo underlay around the planetoid if there's any.


Generate the planetoid's rings overlay if it has rings


Generates the planetoid's shadow and rimlight overlays


Generates the raw base/surface of the planetoid skybox image.


Returns the planetoid's atmosphere if there's any


Returns the /datum/planetoid_data associated with planet this overmap marker represents.


Returns the color for the ring overlay


Returns the name of the type of ring overlay to use for the planetary rings. Basically, the icon_state for the planetoid's rings


Returns the image for the planetary surface of the skybox background image.


Get cached skybox background image.


Returns the image for the secondary planetary feature of the surface of the skybox background image. Usually is the color of the oceans on the surface.


Returns the strata associated to the planetoid we represent


Get the primary surface color used for the skybox image


Whether to draw rings on the planet's skybox image, and aknowledge anywhere else that it has rings.


Update our name, and refs to match the planetoid we're representing