Vars | |
_base_attack_force | Base force value; generally, the damage output if used one-handed by a medium mob (human) and made of steel. |
_cached_attack_force | Tracking var for base attack value with material modifiers, to save recalculating 200 times. |
_hardness_force_factor | How much of our overall damage is influenced by material hardness? |
_thrown_force_multiplier | Multiplier to the base thrown force based on the material per above. |
_weight_force_factor | How much of our overall damage is influenced by material weight? |
_wielded_force_multiplier | Multiplier to total base damage from weapon and material if the weapon is wieldable and held in two hands. |
can_be_twohanded | Vars relating to wielding the item with two or more hands. |
canremove | If TRUE, the item cannot be removed except via destruction or using the force flag in unequip procs. |
coating_overlay | this saves our blood splatter/coating overlay, which will be processed not to go over the edges of the sprite. |
cold_protection | flags which determine which body parts are protected from cold. Use the SLOT_HEAD, SLOT_UPPER_BODY, SLOT_LOWER_BODY, etc. flags. See |
contaminated | Flag for ZAS based contamination (chlorine etc) |
decorations | Assoc list of decoration instances to metadata, ie. decorations[GET_DECL(/decl/item_decoration/inset)] = list("color" = COLOR_RED, "material" = GET_DECL(/decl/material/foo)) |
draw_on_mob_when_equipped | Set to false to skip state checking and never draw an icon on the mob (except when held) |
drop_sound | Sound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown. |
equip_sound | Sound used when equipping the item into a valid slot |
heat_protection | flags which determine which body parts are protected from heat. Use the SLOT_HEAD, SLOT_UPPER_BODY, SLOT_LOWER_BODY, etc. flags. See |
material_alteration | Will apply the flagged modifications to the object |
material_armor_multiplier | if set, item will use material's armor values multiplied by this. |
max_heat_protection_temperature | Set this variable to determine up to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against heat damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by heat_protection flags. |
max_pressure_protection | Set this variable if the item protects its wearer against high pressures below an upper bound. Keep at null to disable protection. |
min_cold_protection_temperature | Set this variable to determine down to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against cold damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by cold_protection flags |
min_pressure_protection | Set this variable if the item protects its wearer against low pressures above a lower bound. Keep at null to disable protection. 0 represents protection against hard vacuum. |
name_prefix | Set to prefix name with this string ('woven' for 'woven basket' etc) |
needs_attack_dexterity | What dexterity is required to attack with this item? |
no_attack_log | If it's an item we don't want to log attack_logs with, set this to TRUE |
pickup_sound | Sound uses when picking the item up (into your hands) |
replaced_in_loadout | Used when this item is replaced by a loadout item. If TRUE, loadout places src in wearer's storage. If FALSE, src is deleted. |
slot_flags | This is used to determine on which slots an item can fit. |
slowdown_accessory | An additional slowdown amount, contributed by accessories attached to this item. Not to be confused with /obj/item/clothing/var/accessory_slowdown. |
slowdown_per_slot | How much this item slows its holder down, based on the slot it's in. This is an associative list: slot_string = slowdown |
sprite_sheets | Assoc list of bodytype category to icon for producing onmob overlays when this item is held or worn. |
watertight | Can this object leak into water sources? |
weapon_can_knock_prone | Can this item knock someone out if used as a weapon? Overridden for natural weapons as a nerf to simplemobs. |
zoom | if the item is actively being used to zoom. For scoped guns and binoculars. |
Procs | |
can_be_picked_up | Whether this item can be picked up. Primarily exists to be overridden to prevent, e.g. accessories from being removed by clicking on them while worn. |
can_take_wear_damage | Whether the object will take wear damage when used as a weapon. |
get_any_equipped_slot | Gets the inventory slot string ID for the mob whose contents we're in, if any. Checks both equipped and held item slots. |
get_any_equipped_slot_datum | A counterpart to get_any_equipped_slot_for_item that returns the slot datum rather than the slot name. Checks both equipped and held item slots. |
get_equipped_slot | Gets the equipment (worn) slot string ID for the mob whose contents we're in, if any. Does not include held slots. |
get_equipped_slot_datum | A helper that returns the slot datum rather than the slot name. Does not include held slots. Saves unnecessary duplicate ismob checks and loc casts. |
get_held_slot | Gets the held item slot string ID for the mob whose contents we're in, if any. Does not include worn slots. |
get_reagents_overlay | @params: |
get_required_attack_dexterity | Returns a dexterity value required to use this item as a weapon. |
get_striking_material | What material are we using when we hit things? Params: mob/user (the mob striking something with src) atom/target (the atom being struck with src) |
get_tool_property | Returns the property's value for a givent archetype. |
loadout_should_keep | Used to handle equipped icons overwritten by custom loadout. If TRUE, loadout places src in wearer's storage. If FALSE, src is deleted by loadout. |
on_disarm_attempt | Occurs when a disarm attempt fails a skill check, resulting in the attacker being damaged. Return TRUE to block further checks for other objects. |
set_tool_property | Set the property for the given tool archetype to the specified value. |
take_damage | Basic damage handling for items. Returns the amount of damage taken after armor if the item was damaged. |
Var Details
Base force value; generally, the damage output if used one-handed by a medium mob (human) and made of steel.
Tracking var for base attack value with material modifiers, to save recalculating 200 times.
How much of our overall damage is influenced by material hardness?
Multiplier to the base thrown force based on the material per above.
How much of our overall damage is influenced by material weight?
Multiplier to total base damage from weapon and material if the weapon is wieldable and held in two hands.
Vars relating to wielding the item with two or more hands.
If TRUE, the item cannot be removed except via destruction or using the force flag in unequip procs.
this saves our blood splatter/coating overlay, which will be processed not to go over the edges of the sprite.
flags which determine which body parts are protected from cold. Use the SLOT_HEAD, SLOT_UPPER_BODY, SLOT_LOWER_BODY, etc. flags. See
Flag for ZAS based contamination (chlorine etc)
Assoc list of decoration instances to metadata, ie. decorations[GET_DECL(/decl/item_decoration/inset)] = list("color" = COLOR_RED, "material" = GET_DECL(/decl/material/foo))
Set to false to skip state checking and never draw an icon on the mob (except when held)
Sound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown.
Sound used when equipping the item into a valid slot
flags which determine which body parts are protected from heat. Use the SLOT_HEAD, SLOT_UPPER_BODY, SLOT_LOWER_BODY, etc. flags. See
Will apply the flagged modifications to the object
if set, item will use material's armor values multiplied by this.
Set this variable to determine up to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against heat damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by heat_protection flags.
Set this variable if the item protects its wearer against high pressures below an upper bound. Keep at null to disable protection.
Set this variable to determine down to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against cold damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by cold_protection flags
Set this variable if the item protects its wearer against low pressures above a lower bound. Keep at null to disable protection. 0 represents protection against hard vacuum.
Set to prefix name with this string ('woven' for 'woven basket' etc)
What dexterity is required to attack with this item?
If it's an item we don't want to log attack_logs with, set this to TRUE
Sound uses when picking the item up (into your hands)
Used when this item is replaced by a loadout item. If TRUE, loadout places src in wearer's storage. If FALSE, src is deleted.
This is used to determine on which slots an item can fit.
An additional slowdown amount, contributed by accessories attached to this item. Not to be confused with /obj/item/clothing/var/accessory_slowdown.
How much this item slows its holder down, based on the slot it's in. This is an associative list: slot_string = slowdown
Assoc list of bodytype category to icon for producing onmob overlays when this item is held or worn.
Can this object leak into water sources?
Can this item knock someone out if used as a weapon? Overridden for natural weapons as a nerf to simplemobs.
if the item is actively being used to zoom. For scoped guns and binoculars.
Proc Details
Whether this item can be picked up. Primarily exists to be overridden to prevent, e.g. accessories from being removed by clicking on them while worn.
Whether the object will take wear damage when used as a weapon.
Gets the inventory slot string ID for the mob whose contents we're in, if any. Checks both equipped and held item slots.
A counterpart to get_any_equipped_slot_for_item that returns the slot datum rather than the slot name. Checks both equipped and held item slots.
Gets the equipment (worn) slot string ID for the mob whose contents we're in, if any. Does not include held slots.
A helper that returns the slot datum rather than the slot name. Does not include held slots. Saves unnecessary duplicate ismob checks and loc casts.
Gets the held item slot string ID for the mob whose contents we're in, if any. Does not include worn slots.
- state_prefix as text: if non-null, this string is prepended to the reagent overlay state, typically world/inventory/etc @returns:
- reagent_overlay as /image|null - the overlay image representing the reagents in this object
Returns a dexterity value required to use this item as a weapon.
What material are we using when we hit things? Params: mob/user (the mob striking something with src) atom/target (the atom being struck with src)
Returns the property's value for a givent archetype.
Used to handle equipped icons overwritten by custom loadout. If TRUE, loadout places src in wearer's storage. If FALSE, src is deleted by loadout.
Occurs when a disarm attempt fails a skill check, resulting in the attacker being damaged. Return TRUE to block further checks for other objects.
Set the property for the given tool archetype to the specified value.
Basic damage handling for items. Returns the amount of damage taken after armor if the item was damaged.