Vars | |
base_type | For mapped buildable types, set this to be the base type actually buildable. |
clicksound | sound played on successful interface use |
clickvol | volume of sound played on successful interface use |
component_parts | List of component instances. Expected type: /obj/item/stock_parts |
core_skill | The skill used for skill checks for this machine (mostly so subtypes can use different skills). |
frame_type | what is created when the machine is dismantled. |
id_tag | This generic variable is to be used by mappers to give related machines a string key. In principle used by radio stock parts. |
initial_access | Used to setup network locks on machinery at populate_parts. list(a, b) means access requires either A or B. list(list(a, b)) means access requires A and B. These can be combined, e.g. list(a, list(b, c)) requires either a, or both b and c. Null means no access requirement. |
interact_offline | Can the machine be interacted with while de-powered. |
maximum_component_parts | null - no max. list(type part = number max). |
operator_skill | Machines often do all operations on Process(). This caches the user's skill while the operations are running. |
power_channel | Valid values: EQUIP, ENVIRON, LIGHT. If it should use a direct terminal connection instead, use LOCAL. |
power_init_complete | Helps with bookkeeping when initializing atoms. Don't modify. |
processing_flags | Controls whether components, the machine itself, or both run their processing in Process(). |
processing_parts | Component parts queued for processing by the machine. Expected type: /obj/item/stock_parts |
stat_immune | The machine will never set stat to these flags. |
uncreated_component_parts | List of component paths which have lazy init (created when needed). Keys are part typepaths, values are the number of components. |
wires | wire datum, if any. If you place a type path, it will be autoinitialized. |
Procs | |
set_id_tag | Handles updating stock parts and internal id tag when changing it to something else |
Var Details
For mapped buildable types, set this to be the base type actually buildable.
sound played on successful interface use
volume of sound played on successful interface use
List of component instances. Expected type: /obj/item/stock_parts
The skill used for skill checks for this machine (mostly so subtypes can use different skills).
what is created when the machine is dismantled.
This generic variable is to be used by mappers to give related machines a string key. In principle used by radio stock parts.
Used to setup network locks on machinery at populate_parts. list(a, b) means access requires either A or B. list(list(a, b)) means access requires A and B. These can be combined, e.g. list(a, list(b, c)) requires either a, or both b and c. Null means no access requirement.
Can the machine be interacted with while de-powered.
null - no max. list(type part = number max).
Machines often do all operations on Process(). This caches the user's skill while the operations are running.
Valid values: EQUIP, ENVIRON, LIGHT. If it should use a direct terminal connection instead, use LOCAL.
Helps with bookkeeping when initializing atoms. Don't modify.
Controls whether components, the machine itself, or both run their processing in Process().
Component parts queued for processing by the machine. Expected type: /obj/item/stock_parts
The machine will never set stat to these flags.
List of component paths which have lazy init (created when needed). Keys are part typepaths, values are the number of components.
wire datum, if any. If you place a type path, it will be autoinitialized.
Proc Details
Handles updating stock parts and internal id tag when changing it to something else