Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



available_modificationsPossible suit modifier decls to pick between
can_repairIf TRUE, the cycler can repair voidsuits.
electrifiedThe number of Process() ticks we should shock users for. If > 0, will shock users. Decrements every Process().
irradiatingThe number of Process() ticks we should irradiate our contents for. If > 0, will irradiate contents. Decrements every Process().
lockedIf locked, nothing can be taken from or added to the cycler.
model_textSome flavour text for the topic box.
safetiesThe cycler won't start with a living thing inside it unless safeties are off.

Var Details


Possible suit modifier decls to pick between


If TRUE, the cycler can repair voidsuits.


The number of Process() ticks we should shock users for. If > 0, will shock users. Decrements every Process().


The number of Process() ticks we should irradiate our contents for. If > 0, will irradiate contents. Decrements every Process().


If locked, nothing can be taken from or added to the cycler.


Some flavour text for the topic box.


The cycler won't start with a living thing inside it unless safeties are off.