Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



_a_intentDecl for current 'intent' of mob; hurt, harm, etc. Initialized by get_intent().
_automove_targetSimple general-use reference for mob automoves. May be unused or replaced on subtypes.
is_typingWhether this mob is currently typing, if piloted by a player.
lighting_masterUsed for darksight, required on all mobs to ensure lighting renders properly.
opened_uisUsed by SSnano (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/nano) to track UIs opened by this mob.
pulling_punchesAre you trying not to hurt your opponent?
selected_zoneWhat bodypart are we currently targetting?
typing_indicatorIf this mob is or was piloted by a player with typing indicators enabled, an instance of one.


AdjustMovementDirectionThis proc adjusts movement direction for mobs with STAT_CONFUSE.
add_to_living_mob_listLife Handling
get_accessible_penTries to find a readily accessible pen in the user's held items, and in some of its inventory slots. Shouldn't search recursively.
get_any_equipped_slot_for_itemGets the inventory slot string ID for an item that may be in our inventory. Checks both equipped and held item slots.
get_automove_delayCalled by get_movement_delay() to override the current move intent, in cases where an automove has a delay override.
get_equipped_slot_for_itemGets the equipment (worn) slot string ID for an item we may be wearing. Does not include held slots.
get_held_slot_for_itemGets the held item slot string ID for an item we may be holding. Does not include worn slots.
get_trait_dataShows show_to a browser window describing the character setup traits taken by src. show_to must be non-null.
get_usable_hand_slot_organTHIS DOES NOT RELATE TO HELD ITEM SLOTS. It is very specifically a functional BP_L_HAND or BP_R_HAND organ, not necessarily a gripper.
handle_autopunctuationAdds punctuation to an emote or speech message automatically.
has_danger_grabChecks if the target has a grab from the user
item_should_have_screen_presenceIf this proc returns false, reconsider_client_screen_presence will set the item's screen_loc to null.
remove_bloodRemoves amt units of blood from src, if it has blood. If absolute is FALSE, rescale amt according to mob size. Returns the amount of blood removed.
set_see_in_darkSee In Dark Set Handling
set_see_invisibleSee Invisible Set Handling
set_sightSight Set Handling
update_healthReturns TRUE if updates should happen, FALSE if not.
update_mouse_pointerUpdate the mouse pointer of the attached client in this mob.

Var Details


Decl for current 'intent' of mob; hurt, harm, etc. Initialized by get_intent().


Simple general-use reference for mob automoves. May be unused or replaced on subtypes.


Whether this mob is currently typing, if piloted by a player.


Used for darksight, required on all mobs to ensure lighting renders properly.


Used by SSnano (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/nano) to track UIs opened by this mob.


Are you trying not to hurt your opponent?


What bodypart are we currently targetting?


If this mob is or was piloted by a player with typing indicators enabled, an instance of one.

Proc Details


This proc adjusts movement direction for mobs with STAT_CONFUSE.

Returns a direction, randomly adjusted if the mob had STAT_CONFUSE.





Life Handling


Tries to find a readily accessible pen in the user's held items, and in some of its inventory slots. Shouldn't search recursively.


Gets the inventory slot string ID for an item that may be in our inventory. Checks both equipped and held item slots.


Called by get_movement_delay() to override the current move intent, in cases where an automove has a delay override.


Gets the equipment (worn) slot string ID for an item we may be wearing. Does not include held slots.


Gets the held item slot string ID for an item we may be holding. Does not include worn slots.


Shows show_to a browser window describing the character setup traits taken by src. show_to must be non-null.


THIS DOES NOT RELATE TO HELD ITEM SLOTS. It is very specifically a functional BP_L_HAND or BP_R_HAND organ, not necessarily a gripper.


Adds punctuation to an emote or speech message automatically.


Checks if the target has a grab from the user


If this proc returns false, reconsider_client_screen_presence will set the item's screen_loc to null.


Removes amt units of blood from src, if it has blood. If absolute is FALSE, rescale amt according to mob size. Returns the amount of blood removed.


See In Dark Set Handling


See Invisible Set Handling


Sight Set Handling


Returns TRUE if updates should happen, FALSE if not.


Update the mouse pointer of the attached client in this mob.