Space Station 13 - Nebula13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



_reagent_update_started(FLOAT) world.time of last on_reagent_update call, used to prevent recursion due to reagents updating reagents
atom_flags(BITFLAG) See
blood_DNA(DICTIONARY) A lazy map. The key is a MD5 player name and the value is the blood type.
blood_color(COLOR) The color of the blood shown on blood overlays.
climb_speed_mult(FLOAT) The climbing speed multiplier for this atom
climbers(LIST) A list of all mobs that are climbing or currently on this atom
current_health(FLOAT) Current remaining health value.
explosion_resistance(INTEGER) The amount an explosion's power is decreased when encountering this atom
fluorescent(FALSE|DEFINES) How this atom is interacting with UV light. See
germ_level(INTEGER) The number of germs on this atom.
icon_rotation(FLOAT) The angle in degrees clockwise that should be applied.
icon_scale_x(FLOAT) The horizontal scaling that should be applied.
icon_scale_y(FLOAT) The vertical scaling that should be applied.
is_spawnable_type(BOOL) If it can be spawned normally
last_bumped(FLOAT) The world.time that this atom last bumped another. Used mostly by mobs.
level(DEFINE) Determines where this atom sits in terms of turf plating. See
light_dirAn override for cases where the light is not facing the same direction as the object.
max_health(FLOAT) Theoretical maximum health value.
pass_flags(BITFLAG) See
reagentsThe chemical contents of this atom
shake_animation_degreesHow much to shake the atom when struck. Larger objs should have smaller numbers or it looks weird.
simulated(BOOL) If an atom should be interacted with by a number of systems (Atmos, Liquids, Turbolifts, Etc.)
storage(DATUM) /datum/storage instance to use for this obj. Set to a type for instantiation on init.
temperatureWhat is this atom's current temperature?
temperature_sensitive(BOOL) Does this atom respond to changes in local temperature via the temperature var?
throwpass(BOOL) If a thrown object can continue past this atom. Sometimes used for clicking as well? TODO: Rework this
transform_animate_time(FLOAT) If greater than zero, transform-based adjustments (scaling, rotating) will visually occur over this time.
was_bloodied(BOOL) If this atom was bloodied before.


BumpedHandle an atom bumping this atom
CheckExitCheck if an atom can exit this atom's turf.
EnteredMovement Handling
ExitedExited Handling
HasProximityHandle an atom entering this atom's proximity
SetNameName Set Handling
add_bloodAttempt to add blood to this atom
additional_see_invisibleGet the level of invisible sight this atom should provide to a user
additional_sight_flagsGet sight flags that this atom should provide to a user
assume_airAttempt to merge a gas_mixture giver into this atom's gas_mixture
audible_messageShow a message to all mobs and objects in earshot of this atom
bullet_actHandle a projectile P hitting this atom
can_be_poured_fromThis is whether it's physically possible to pour from this atom to the target atom, based on context like user intent and src being open, etc. This should not check things like whether there is actually anything in src to pour. It should also not check anything controlled by the target atom, because can_be_poured_into() already exists.
can_climbCheck if a user can climb this atom.
check_eyeGet the flags that should be added to the users sight var.
checkpassCheck if this atom can be passed by another given the flags provided
cleanRemove any blood from this atom
do_climbHandle user climbing onto this atom.
dump_contentsDump the contents of this atom onto its loc
emag_actHandle a user attempting to emag this atom
emp_actHandle an EMP affecting this atom
examined_byDisplay a description of this atom to a mob.
explosion_actHandle an explosion of severity affecting this atom
fire_actHandle this atom being exposed to fire
get_alarm_zAssisting procs
get_alt_interactionsGet a list of alt interactions (alt-click) for a user from this atom.
get_ambient_temperatureReturns the 'ambient temperature' used for temperature equalisation.
get_ambient_temperature_coefficientReturns the coefficient used for ambient temperature equalisation. Mainly used to prevent vacuum from cooling down objects.
get_cellGet any power cell associated with this atom.
get_colorGet the current color of this atom.
get_contained_external_atomsReturn a list of all simulated atoms inside this one.
get_contained_matterReturns the sum of this atoms's reagents plus the combined matter of all its contents. Obj adds matter contents. Other overrides may add extra handling for things like material storage. Most useful for calculating worth or deconstructing something along with its contents.
get_examine_prefixThe prefix that goes before the atom name on examine.
get_examine_punctuationThe punctuation used for the "That's an X." string.
get_heatGet the temperature of this atom's heat source
get_quick_interaction_handlerGet a default interaction for a user from this atom.
get_radioGet any radio associated with this atom.
get_recursive_loc_of_typeGet the first loc of the specified loc_type from walking up the loc tree of this atom.
get_standard_interactionsGet a list of standard interactions (attack_hand and attackby) for a user from this atom. At time of writing, these are really easy to have interfere with or be interfered with by attack_hand() and attackby() overrides. Putting them on items us a bad idea due to pickup code.
grab_attackHandle this atom being hit by a grab.
handle_meltingHandle this atom being destroyed through melting
hitbyHandle this atom being hit by a thrown atom
in_contents_ofCheck if this atom is in the path or atom container
isflamesourceCheck if this atom is a source of fire
lava_actHandle this atom being exposed to lava. Calls qdel() by default
merge_exhaled_volumeMerge an exhaled air volume into air contents..
modify_mapped_varsAdjust variables prior to Initialize() based on the map
object_shakenShake this atom and all its climbers.
onDropIntoHandle dropping an atom onto this atom.
on_update_iconUpdate this atom's icon.
physically_destroyedHandle the destruction of this atom, spilling its contents by default
relaymoveRelay movement to this atom.
remove_airAttempt to remove amount moles from this atom's gas_mixture
return_airGet the air of this atom or its location's air
reveal_bloodReveal any blood on the item and update its color to that of luminol
search_contents_forRecursively search this atom's contents for an atom of type path
set_densitySet the density of this atom to new_density
set_dirSet the direction of this atom to new_dir
set_iconSet the icon to new_icon
set_icon_stateSet the icon_state to new_icon_state
set_invisibilityInvisibility Set Handling
set_rotationSet the rotation of this atom's transform
set_scaleSet the scale of this atom's transform.
try_detonate_reagentsAttempt to detonate the reagents contained in this atom
try_on_reagent_changeHandle reagents being modified
turf_is_crowdedCheck if this atom's turf is blocked.
update_iconUpdate this atom's icon.
update_transformUpdate this atom's transform from stored values.
visible_messageShow a message to all mobs and objects in sight of this atom.

Var Details


(FLOAT) world.time of last on_reagent_update call, used to prevent recursion due to reagents updating reagents




(DICTIONARY) A lazy map. The key is a MD5 player name and the value is the blood type.


(COLOR) The color of the blood shown on blood overlays.


(FLOAT) The climbing speed multiplier for this atom


(LIST) A list of all mobs that are climbing or currently on this atom


(FLOAT) Current remaining health value.


(INTEGER) The amount an explosion's power is decreased when encountering this atom


(FALSE|DEFINES) How this atom is interacting with UV light. See


(INTEGER) The number of germs on this atom.


(FLOAT) The angle in degrees clockwise that should be applied.


(FLOAT) The horizontal scaling that should be applied.


(FLOAT) The vertical scaling that should be applied.


(BOOL) If it can be spawned normally


(FLOAT) The world.time that this atom last bumped another. Used mostly by mobs.


(DEFINE) Determines where this atom sits in terms of turf plating. See


An override for cases where the light is not facing the same direction as the object.


(FLOAT) Theoretical maximum health value.




The chemical contents of this atom


How much to shake the atom when struck. Larger objs should have smaller numbers or it looks weird.


(BOOL) If an atom should be interacted with by a number of systems (Atmos, Liquids, Turbolifts, Etc.)


(DATUM) /datum/storage instance to use for this obj. Set to a type for instantiation on init.


What is this atom's current temperature?


(BOOL) Does this atom respond to changes in local temperature via the temperature var?


(BOOL) If a thrown object can continue past this atom. Sometimes used for clicking as well? TODO: Rework this


(FLOAT) If greater than zero, transform-based adjustments (scaling, rotating) will visually occur over this time.


(BOOL) If this atom was bloodied before.

Proc Details


Handle an atom bumping this atom

Called by AMs Bump()


Check if an atom can exit this atom's turf.


Movement Handling


Exited Handling


Handle an atom entering this atom's proximity

Called when an atom enters this atom's proximity. Both this and the other atom need to have the MOVABLE_FLAG_PROXMOVE flag (as it helps reduce lag).


Name Set Handling


Attempt to add blood to this atom

If a mob is provided, their blood will be used


Get the level of invisible sight this atom should provide to a user


Get sight flags that this atom should provide to a user


Attempt to merge a gas_mixture giver into this atom's gas_mixture


Show a message to all mobs and objects in earshot of this atom

Used for atoms performing audible actions


Handle a projectile P hitting this atom


This is whether it's physically possible to pour from this atom to the target atom, based on context like user intent and src being open, etc. This should not check things like whether there is actually anything in src to pour. It should also not check anything controlled by the target atom, because can_be_poured_into() already exists.


Check if a user can climb this atom.


Get the flags that should be added to the users sight var.


Check if this atom can be passed by another given the flags provided


Remove any blood from this atom


Handle user climbing onto this atom.


Dump the contents of this atom onto its loc


Handle a user attempting to emag this atom


Handle an EMP affecting this atom


Display a description of this atom to a mob.

Overrides should either return the result of ..() or TRUE if not calling it. Calls to ..() should generally not supply any arguments and instead rely on BYOND's automatic argument passing. There is no need to check the return value of ..(), this is only done by the calling /examine_verb() proc to validate the call chain.


Handle an explosion of severity affecting this atom


Handle this atom being exposed to fire


Assisting procs


Get a list of alt interactions (alt-click) for a user from this atom.


Returns the 'ambient temperature' used for temperature equalisation.


Returns the coefficient used for ambient temperature equalisation. Mainly used to prevent vacuum from cooling down objects.


Get any power cell associated with this atom.


Get the current color of this atom.


Return a list of all simulated atoms inside this one.


Returns the sum of this atoms's reagents plus the combined matter of all its contents. Obj adds matter contents. Other overrides may add extra handling for things like material storage. Most useful for calculating worth or deconstructing something along with its contents.


The prefix that goes before the atom name on examine.


The punctuation used for the "That's an X." string.


Get the temperature of this atom's heat source


Get a default interaction for a user from this atom.


Get any radio associated with this atom.

Used for handle_message_mode or other radio-based logic.


Get the first loc of the specified loc_type from walking up the loc tree of this atom.


Get a list of standard interactions (attack_hand and attackby) for a user from this atom. At time of writing, these are really easy to have interfere with or be interfered with by attack_hand() and attackby() overrides. Putting them on items us a bad idea due to pickup code.


Handle this atom being hit by a grab.

Called by resolve_attackby()


Handle this atom being destroyed through melting


Handle this atom being hit by a thrown atom


Check if this atom is in the path or atom container


Check if this atom is a source of fire


Handle this atom being exposed to lava. Calls qdel() by default


Merge an exhaled air volume into air contents..


Adjust variables prior to Initialize() based on the map

Called by the maploader to perform static modifications to vars set on the map. Intended use case: Adjust tag vars on duplicate templates (such as airlock tags).


Shake this atom and all its climbers.


Handle dropping an atom onto this atom.

If the item should move into this atom, return null. Otherwise, return the destination atom where the item should be moved.


Update this atom's icon.

Usually queue_icon_update() or update_icon() should be used instead.


Handle the destruction of this atom, spilling its contents by default


Relay movement to this atom.

Called by mobs, such as when the mob is inside the atom, their buckled var is set to this, or this atom is set as their machine.


Attempt to remove amount moles from this atom's gas_mixture


Get the air of this atom or its location's air


Reveal any blood on the item and update its color to that of luminol


Recursively search this atom's contents for an atom of type path


Set the density of this atom to new_density


Set the direction of this atom to new_dir


Set the icon to new_icon


Set the icon_state to new_icon_state


Invisibility Set Handling


Set the rotation of this atom's transform


Set the scale of this atom's transform.


Attempt to detonate the reagents contained in this atom


Handle reagents being modified


Check if this atom's turf is blocked.

This doesn't handle border structures and should be preceded by an Adjacent() check.


Update this atom's icon.


Update this atom's transform from stored values.

Applies icon_scale and icon_rotation. When transform_animate_time is set, the transform is animated over the specified duration. Otherwise, it is applied instantly.


Show a message to all mobs and objects in sight of this atom.

Used for atoms performing visible actions