Vars | |
affecting_heat_sources | Used by exterior turfs to determine the warming effect of campfires and such. |
affecting_lights | List of light sources affecting this turf. |
air | The cached air mixture of a turf. Never directly access, use return_air() . |
airflow_open_directions | All directions in which a turf that can contain air is present. |
ambience_queued | Whether this turf has been queued for an ambient lighting update. |
ambient_has_indirect | If this is TRUE, an above turf's ambient light is affecting this turf. |
ambient_light | If non-null, a hex RGB light color that should be applied to this turf. |
ambient_light_multiplier | The power of the above is multiplied by this. Setting too high may drown out normal lights on the same turf. |
blocks_air | Does this turf contain air/let air through? |
can_inherit_air | Whether this tile is willing to copy air from a previous tile through ChangeTurf, transfer_turf_properties etc. |
external_atmosphere_participation | Will participate in external atmosphere simulation if the turf is outside and no zone is set. |
has_opaque_atom | Not to be confused with opacity, this will be TRUE if there's any opaque atom on the tile. |
initial_gas | Either a mapping of material decls to mol amounts, or a reserved initial gas define like GAS_STANDARD_AIRMIX. |
lighting_overlay | Our lighting overlay, used to apply multiplicative lighting to the tile and its contents. |
mimic_above_copy | If this is a delegate (non-overwrite) Z-turf with a z-turf above, this is the delegate copy that's copying us. |
mimic_proxy | If we're a non-overwrite z-turf, this holds the appearance of the bottom-most Z-turf in the z-stack. |
mimic_underlay | If we're at the bottom of the stack, a proxy used to fake a below space turf. |
needs_air_update | Is this turf queued in the TURFS cycle of SSair? |
shadower | Overlay used to multiply color of all OO overlays at once. |
supporting_platform | Floorlike structures like catwalks. Updated/retrieved by get_supporting_platform() |
z_appearance | Use this appearance for our appearance instead of appearance . If ZM_OVERRIDE is set, only this will be visible, no movables will be copied. |
z_eventually_space | If this Z-turf leads to space, uninterrupted. |
z_queued | How many times this turf is currently queued - multiple queue occurrences are allowed to ensure update consistency. |
zone | The turf's current zone. |
zone_membership_candidate | Will participate in ZAS, join zones, etc. |
Procs | |
AddTracks | Creates a new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/tracks instance of a given type, or merges it with an existing (not-yet-cleaned) one that matches typepath and chemical. typepath is a type, not an instance new_chemical is optional argument for things like muddy footprints, where typepath isn't enough |
CanZPass | direction is the direction the atom is trying to leave by. |
can_show_coating_footprints | Contaminant may be the chemical type of the footprint being provided, or null if we just want to know if we support footprints, at all, ever. |
cannot_build_cable | *Whether we can place a cable here |
cleanup_zmimic | Cleans up Z-mimic objects for this turf. You shouldn't call this directly 99% of the time. |
disable_zmimic | Disables Z-mimic for a turf. |
enable_zmimic | Enables Z-mimic for a turf that didn't already have it enabled. |
force_update_lights | Forces a lighting update. Reconsider lights is preferred when possible. |
get_avg_color | Returns the average color of this tile. Roughly corresponds to the color of a single old-style lighting overlay. |
get_diggable_resources | Return an assoc list of resource item type to a metadata list containing base amount, random component, and material override ex. return list(/obj/item/stack/material/ore/handful/sand = list("amount" = 3, "variance" = 2, "material" = /decl/material/foo)) |
get_lumcount | Returns a lumcount (average intensity of color channels) scaled between minlum and maxlum. |
recalc_atom_opacity | Can't think of a good name, this proc will recalculate the has_opaque_atom variable. |
reconsider_lights | Causes any affecting light sources to be queued for a visibility update, for example a door got opened. |
setup_zmimic | Sets up Z-mimic for this turf. You shouldn't call this directly 99% of the time. |
try_build_cable | Place a cable if possible, if not warn the user appropriately |
update_air_properties | Turf Vars |
update_external_atmos_participation | Updates turf participation in ZAS according to outside status and atmosphere participation bools. Must be called whenever any of those values may change. |
why_cannot_build_cable | Sends a message to the user explaining why they can't build a cable here |
Var Details
Used by exterior turfs to determine the warming effect of campfires and such.
List of light sources affecting this turf.
The cached air mixture of a turf. Never directly access, use return_air()
All directions in which a turf that can contain air is present.
Whether this turf has been queued for an ambient lighting update.
If this is TRUE, an above turf's ambient light is affecting this turf.
If non-null, a hex RGB light color that should be applied to this turf.
The power of the above is multiplied by this. Setting too high may drown out normal lights on the same turf.
Does this turf contain air/let air through?
Whether this tile is willing to copy air from a previous tile through ChangeTurf, transfer_turf_properties etc.
Will participate in external atmosphere simulation if the turf is outside and no zone is set.
Not to be confused with opacity, this will be TRUE if there's any opaque atom on the tile.
Either a mapping of material decls to mol amounts, or a reserved initial gas define like GAS_STANDARD_AIRMIX.
Our lighting overlay, used to apply multiplicative lighting to the tile and its contents.
If this is a delegate (non-overwrite) Z-turf with a z-turf above, this is the delegate copy that's copying us.
If we're a non-overwrite z-turf, this holds the appearance of the bottom-most Z-turf in the z-stack.
If we're at the bottom of the stack, a proxy used to fake a below space turf.
Is this turf queued in the TURFS cycle of SSair?
Overlay used to multiply color of all OO overlays at once.
Floorlike structures like catwalks. Updated/retrieved by get_supporting_platform()
Use this appearance for our appearance instead of appearance
. If ZM_OVERRIDE is set, only this will be visible, no movables will be copied.
If this Z-turf leads to space, uninterrupted.
How many times this turf is currently queued - multiple queue occurrences are allowed to ensure update consistency.
The turf's current zone.
Will participate in ZAS, join zones, etc.
Proc Details
Creates a new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/tracks instance of a given type, or merges it with an existing (not-yet-cleaned) one that matches typepath and chemical. typepath is a type, not an instance new_chemical is optional argument for things like muddy footprints, where typepath isn't enough
is the direction the atom is trying to leave by.
Contaminant may be the chemical type of the footprint being provided, or null if we just want to know if we support footprints, at all, ever.
*Whether we can place a cable here
- If you cannot build a cable will return an error code explaining why you cannot.
Cleans up Z-mimic objects for this turf. You shouldn't call this directly 99% of the time.
Disables Z-mimic for a turf.
Enables Z-mimic for a turf that didn't already have it enabled.
Forces a lighting update. Reconsider lights is preferred when possible.
Returns the average color of this tile. Roughly corresponds to the color of a single old-style lighting overlay.
Return an assoc list of resource item type to a metadata list containing base amount, random component, and material override ex. return list(/obj/item/stack/material/ore/handful/sand = list("amount" = 3, "variance" = 2, "material" = /decl/material/foo))
Returns a lumcount (average intensity of color channels) scaled between minlum and maxlum.
Can't think of a good name, this proc will recalculate the has_opaque_atom variable.
Causes any affecting light sources to be queued for a visibility update, for example a door got opened.
Sets up Z-mimic for this turf. You shouldn't call this directly 99% of the time.
Place a cable if possible, if not warn the user appropriately
Turf Vars
Updates turf participation in ZAS according to outside status and atmosphere participation bools. Must be called whenever any of those values may change.
Sends a message to the user explaining why they can't build a cable here