In-code keypress handling system - This whole system is heavily based off of forum_account's keyboard library.
Thanks to forum_account for saving the day, the library can be found
Modpack Compatibility System - This folder exists as a way to work around the fact that the previous system for modpack cross-compatibility, define-gating, is sensitive to include order. This resulted in a lot of boilerplate, like having to emit warnings if modpacks were included in the wrong order. This meant that you could also introduce cyclical dependencies, where no matter what it would emit a warning and content would be missing.
decompose_matrix - Datum which stores information about a matrix decomposed with decompose().
diploma_details - Details used by the diploma plaques for display.
effect/effect/system/trail - ///// Attach an Ion trail to any object, that spawns when it moves (like for the jetpack)
just pass in the object to attach it to in set_up
Then do start() to start it and stop() to stop it, obviously
and don't call start() in a loop that will be repeated otherwise it'll get spammed!
steam - Attach a steam trail to an object (eg. a reacting beaker) that will follow it
padding - An extension that unifies padding state and interactions.
scent - Scent extensions
To add:
set_extension(atom, /datum/extension/scent/PATH/TO/SPECIFIC/SCENT)
This will set up the extension and will make it begin to emit_scent.
To remove:
remove_extension(atom, /datum/extension/scent)
generated_fauna_template - An internal template to generate randomized planet fauna that's adapted to where it was generated to spawn on.
grid_load_metadata - Fill a given tile with its area/turf/objects/mobs
Variable model is one full map line (e.g /turf/unsimulated/wall{icon_state = "rock"}, /area/mine/explored)
level_data - Keeps details on how to generate, maintain and access a zlevel.
planetoid - Base level data for levels that are subordinated to a /datum/planetoid_data entry.
A bunch of things are fetched from planet gen to stay in sync.
exoplanet - Level data for generating surface levels on exoplanets
grass - Surface of a grass exoplanet
underground - Level data for generating underground levels on exoplanets
planetoid - Base map template for planetoids, which need to instantiate a planetoid data object early during template spawn.
Can be used to load a planetoid from a map file.
random - A randomly generated "tempate" for an planet-like objects. Meant to standardize how random planets are generated so it behave like all other map templates.
exoplanet - Random map generator for exo planets
barren - Template for spawning a randomly generated barren exoplanet.
grass - Map template for generating a grass exoplanet
memory - Memories
mil_branch - A single military branch, such as Fleet or Marines
mil_branches - Global object for handling branches
planet_flora - Contains data about the flora found on a planetoid, and facilities to pick and spawn them randomly.
This base type is meant to be used on its own only for fixed flora lists defined at compile time.
random - A randomly generating planet_flora data datum
grass - Flora data for a grass exoplanet
planetoid_data - Data for a planetoid. Used by SSmapping for keeping track of a lot of details about specific planetoids.
random - A randomly generating planetoid_data, used by random planet map_templates
crystalline - This is NOT to be used in place of ORGAN_PROP_CRYSTAL.
It doesn't handle crystalline logic, only setting up organs as crystalline
on their initial creation.
solid/organic/plantmatter/pith - Used for plant products that aren't quite wood, but are still tougher than normal plant matter.
memory_options - Memory Options
mob_modifier - Instanced 'modifiers' that sit on top of a mob and can expire over time or linger until dispelled.
Some are purely visual, others have associated modifiers.
reagent_data_field/extra_color - An extra colour used for things like additional reagent overlays on soups, so that you can have noodle soup with veggie bits a different colour than the main soup.
error - State that occurs if there is a problem with the drill setup, such as lacking braces.
finished - State which occurs when there is no more ore to mine from the surrounding tiles.
idle - Starting state for drills that are turned on or recovered from an issue.
mining - State where the drill is actively mining a specific turf.
scanning - State that follows the starting state, where it determines which turfs to mine, and gives a visual effect of it scanning the surrounding ground.
storage_full - State which occurs when the ore storage is full, and the player needs to unload the ore for it to resume mining.
switching_target - State which occurs when the currently mined turf is depleted, and there is another turf to mine from,
thus the drill visually targets the next spot and provides some feedback to the player on how fast the mining is going.
unpowered - Unpowered state. Occurs when the battery dies or when turned off.
implanter/exile - Exile implants will allow you to use the station gate, but not return home. This will allow security to exile badguys/for badguys to exile their kill targets
sign - Item form of the sign structure. Stores a sign structure type, and creates that structure upon install.
Takes on the appearence and properties of whatever sign structure type it contains.
dungeon_bookcase - This spawns either a normal bookcase (20%), a damaged normal bookcase (60%), or a lootable decaying bookcase (20%).
There's also 20% chance to just spawn nothing.
deck - A sign for indicating what level is the current level vertically
directions - Signs for showing the way to passerby. The dir of the sign is the direction it points towards. The icon of the sign itself is always south facing.