Vars | |
COMPOST_WORM_EAT_AMOUNT | The number of worms influences the rate at which contents are decomposed into compost. |
Failsafe | Failsafe |
Master | StonedMC |
SMES_WIRE_FAILSAFES | Cut to disable failsafes, mend to reenable |
SMES_WIRE_GROUNDING | Cut to quickly discharge causing sparks, pulse to only create few sparks |
SMES_WIRE_INPUT | Input wire, cut to disable input, pulse to disable for 60s |
SMES_WIRE_OUTPUT | Output wire, cut to disable output, pulse to disable for 60s |
SMES_WIRE_RCON | Remote control (AI and consoles), cut to disable |
SSdaycycle | Subsystem for updating day/night ambient lighting for sets of z-levels that share a common day/night state. |
SStimer | |
_all_global_event_listeners | This variable is used only for sanity checks during unit tests. It contains a list of all datums with global event registrations. |
_comment_mood_legend | Visual formatting for character info/comments. |
access_cent_general | Central Command |
access_hacked | Antag access |
access_security | Station access |
access_synth | Misc |
all_cables | Tracks all cable instances, so that powernets don't have to look through the entire world all the time |
alphabet | Alphabet a-z. |
alphabet_capital | Alphabet A-Z. |
apophonic_plurals | Words that have a different plural form, and their plural form |
area_blurb_stated_to | This list of names is here to make sure we don't state our descriptive blurb to a person more than once. |
english_loanwords | Used to tell how to make it a plural word and etc. |
hands_topic_state | This state checks if src_object is held in the user's hands (or a cyborg gripper), as well as the default NanoUI interaction. |
mil_branches | Datums for military branches and ranks |
numbers | Numbers 0-9. |
plural_endings_in_ves | Plurals endings in -ves |
plural_endings_with_doubled_letter | Plurals endings in -sses or -zzes |
plural_siblants | Siblants that should end with es |
plural_vocalized_y | Vocalized y sounds that needs to end in -ies when made plural |
plural_words_unchanged | Words that stay the same in plural |
string_slot_flags | Strings which correspond to slot flags, useful for outputting what slot something is. |
syndicate_code_phrase | Code phrase for traitors. |
syndicate_code_response | Code response for traitors. |
underwear | Category Collection Setup |
vowels | Vowels. |
Procs | |
CreateBans | DEBUG |
ReloadThemeCss | Force the light and dark theme css files to be reloaded. Mainly usefule for devs. |
_addtimer | Create a new timer and insert it in the queue. You should not call this directly, and should instead use the addtimer macro, which includes source information. |
all_hearers | Hear Helpers |
all_viewers | View Helpers |
clients_in_range | Range Helpers |
color_matrix_add | Returns a matrix addition of A with B |
color_matrix_contrast | Changes distance colors have from rgb(127,127,127) grey |
color_matrix_identity | Returns the matrix identity |
color_matrix_lightness | Adds/subtracts overall lightness |
color_matrix_multiply | Returns a matrix multiplication of A with B |
color_matrix_rotate_hue | Moves all colors angle degrees around the color wheel while maintaining intensity of the color and not affecting greys |
color_matrix_rotate_x | Rotates around the red axis |
color_matrix_rotate_y | Rotates around the green axis |
color_matrix_rotate_z | Rotates around the blue axis |
color_matrix_saturation | Changes distance hues have from grey while maintaining the overall lightness. Greys are unaffected. |
color_to_full_rgba_matrix | Converts RGB shorthands into RGBA matrices complete of constants rows (ergo a 20 keys list in byond). |
copy_extension | Copy the extension instance on the 'source' and put it on the 'destination'. |
create_area_image | Generate_image function generates image of specified range and location: |
deltimer | Delete a timer |
gaussian | Converts a uniform distributed random number into a normal distributed one since this method produces two random numbers, one is saved for subsequent calls (making the cost negligble for every second call). |
get_default_outfit_backpack | Helpers |
get_mobs_in_analog_radio_ranges | Returns a list of mobs who can hear any of the radios given in @radios Assume all the radios in the list are eligible; we just care about mobs |
get_ordinal_string | Returns a number string with its ordinal suffix th, st, nd, rd |
get_random_uplink_items | Support procs |
get_states_in_icon | get_states_in_icon_cached but it does a copy, so the return value can be mutated. |
get_states_in_icon_cached | A proc for getting an associative list of icon states in an icon. Uses the same cache as check_state_in_icon. Does not copy, MUST NOT BE MUTATED. |
get_surrounding_pressure_differential | Gets the highest and lowest pressures from the tiles in cardinal directions around us, then checks the difference. |
get_transition_edge_corner_turfs | Returns all the turfs from all 4 corners of the transition border of a level. |
get_transition_edge_turfs | Returns all the turfs within a zlevel's transition edge, on a given direction. If include corners is true, the corners of the map will be included. |
get_turf_transition_edge_direction | Returns the a cardinal direction for a turf on the map that's beyond the transition edge |
get_wound_type | WOUND DEFINITIONS |
handle_paper_stack_shared_topics | Handles topic interactions shared by folders and clipboard. |
is_dense_assoc | Is this a dense (all keys have non-null values) associative list with at least one entry? |
is_special_character | ADMIN HELPER PROCS |
listDeepClone | Deep copy/clone everything in the list, or reference things that cannot be cloned. Use with caution. atom_refs_only: If true, the proc will only reference /atom subtypes, and will not clone them. |
number_to_3digits | Given a number, returns a representation fit for a 3-digit display. |
onclose | Registers the on-close verb for a browse window (client/verb/.windowclose) this will be called when the close-button of a window is pressed. |
pass | A do nothing proc used to prevent empty block warnings In hot code (like atmos checks), use EMPTY_BLOCK_GUARD instead. |
play_dtmf_key_sound | Plays a DTMF tone (Telephone key press sound) for any valid telephone key. |
populate_branches | Populate the global branches list from global.using_map |
qdel | Should be treated as a replacement for the 'del' keyword. Datums passed to this will be given a chance to clean up references to allow the GC to collect them. Non-datums passed to this will be hard-deleted. |
send_fax_to_admin | Helper for sending a fax from a fax machine to an admin destination. |
set_scent_by_reagents | Reagents have the following vars, which coorelate to the vars on the standard scent extension: scent, scent_intensity, scent_descriptor, scent_range To add a scent extension to an atom using a reagent's info, where reagent. is the reagent, use set_scent_by_reagents(). |
shared_mimic_edge_get_add_vis_contents | Shared proc to provide the default vis_content for the edge_turf. |
shared_transition_edge_bumped | Handles teleporting an atom that touches a transition edge/loop edge. |
shared_transition_edge_get_coordinates_turf_to_mimic | Returns the turf that's opposite to the specified turf, on the level specified. |
shared_transition_edge_get_valid_level_data | Grab the connected level data for the level connected in the direction the 'T' turf is in. |
stoplag | returns the number of ticks slept |
text_ends_with | Returns true if the text ends with the given sequence of characters. |
text_ends_with_any_of | Returns true if the text ends with ANY of the given sequences of characters. |
text_make_plural | Properly changes the given word (or the last word of the string) into a plural word. Applies a bunch of exceptions from the english language. |
text_starts_with | Returns true if the text starts with the given sequence of characters. |
timeleft | Get the remaining deciseconds on a timer |
Var Details
The number of worms influences the rate at which contents are decomposed into compost.
Pretty much pokes the MC to make sure it's still alive.
Designed to properly split up a given tick among subsystems Note: if you read parts of this code and think "why is it doing it that way" Odds are, there is a reason
Cut to disable failsafes, mend to reenable
Cut to quickly discharge causing sparks, pulse to only create few sparks
Input wire, cut to disable input, pulse to disable for 60s
Output wire, cut to disable output, pulse to disable for 60s
Remote control (AI and consoles), cut to disable
Subsystem for updating day/night ambient lighting for sets of z-levels that share a common day/night state.
Timer Subsystem
Handles creation, callbacks, and destruction of timed events.
It is important to understand the buckets used in the timer subsystem are just a series of doubly-linked lists. The object at a given index in bucket_list is a /datum/timedevent, the head of a list, which has prev and next references for the respective elements in that bucket's list.
This variable is used only for sanity checks during unit tests. It contains a list of all datums with global event registrations.
Visual formatting for character info/comments.
Central Command
Antag access
Station access
Tracks all cable instances, so that powernets don't have to look through the entire world all the time
Alphabet a-z.
Alphabet A-Z.
Words that have a different plural form, and their plural form
This list of names is here to make sure we don't state our descriptive blurb to a person more than once.
Used to tell how to make it a plural word and etc.
This state checks if src_object is held in the user's hands (or a cyborg gripper), as well as the default NanoUI interaction.
Datums for military branches and ranks
Map datums can optionally specify a list of /datum/mil_branch paths. These paths are used to initialize the global mil_branches object, which contains a list of branch objects the map uses. Each branch definition specifies a list of /datum/mil_rank paths, which are ranks available to that branch.
Which branches and ranks can be selected for spawning is specifed in global.using_map and each branch datum definition, respectively.
Numbers 0-9.
Plurals endings in -ves
Plurals endings in -sses or -zzes
Siblants that should end with es
Vocalized y sounds that needs to end in -ies when made plural
Words that stay the same in plural
Strings which correspond to slot flags, useful for outputting what slot something is.
Code phrase for traitors.
Code response for traitors.
Category Collection Setup
Proc Details
Force the light and dark theme css files to be reloaded. Mainly usefule for devs.
Create a new timer and insert it in the queue. You should not call this directly, and should instead use the addtimer macro, which includes source information.
- callback the callback to call on timer finish
- wait deciseconds to run the timer for
- flags flags for this timer, see: code__DEFINES\subsystems.dm
Hear Helpers
View Helpers
Range Helpers
Returns a matrix addition of A with B
Changes distance colors have from rgb(127,127,127) grey
- 1 is identity. 0 makes everything grey >1 blows out colors and greys
Returns the matrix identity
- 1 0 0 0
- 0 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0
- 0 0 0 0
Adds/subtracts overall lightness
- 0 is identity, 1 makes everything white, -1 makes everything black
Returns a matrix multiplication of A with B
Moves all colors angle degrees around the color wheel while maintaining intensity of the color and not affecting greys
- 0 is identity, 120 moves reds to greens, 240 moves reds to blues
Rotates around the red axis
Rotates around the green axis
Rotates around the blue axis
Changes distance hues have from grey while maintaining the overall lightness. Greys are unaffected.
- 1 is identity, 0 is greyscale, >1 oversaturates colors
Converts RGB shorthands into RGBA matrices complete of constants rows (ergo a 20 keys list in byond).
Copy the extension instance on the 'source' and put it on the 'destination'.
Generate_image function generates image of specified range and location:
- arguments
are target coordinates (requred). range
defines render distance to opposite corner (requred).- lighting determines lighting capturing (optional), suppress_errors suppreses errors and continues to capture (optional).
is a person from which side will be perfored capture check, should be/mob/living
Delete a timer
- id a timerid or a /datum/timedevent
Converts a uniform distributed random number into a normal distributed one since this method produces two random numbers, one is saved for subsequent calls (making the cost negligble for every second call).
- This will return +/- decimals, situated about mean with standard deviation stddev
- 68% chance that the number is within 1stddev
- 95% chance that the number is within 2stddev
- 98% chance that the number is within 3stddev...etc
Returns a list of mobs who can hear any of the radios given in @radios Assume all the radios in the list are eligible; we just care about mobs
Returns a number string with its ordinal suffix th, st, nd, rd
Support procs
get_states_in_icon_cached but it does a copy, so the return value can be mutated.
A proc for getting an associative list of icon states in an icon. Uses the same cache as check_state_in_icon. Does not copy, MUST NOT BE MUTATED.
Gets the highest and lowest pressures from the tiles in cardinal directions around us, then checks the difference.
Returns all the turfs from all 4 corners of the transition border of a level.
Returns all the turfs within a zlevel's transition edge, on a given direction. If include corners is true, the corners of the map will be included.
Returns the a cardinal direction for a turf on the map that's beyond the transition edge
Handles topic interactions shared by folders and clipboard.
Is this a dense (all keys have non-null values) associative list with at least one entry?
Deep copy/clone everything in the list, or reference things that cannot be cloned. Use with caution. atom_refs_only: If true, the proc will only reference /atom subtypes, and will not clone them.
Given a number, returns a representation fit for a 3-digit display.
Assumes that besides the digits themselves, display provides
decimal point on the highest digit, plus (for overflow) and minus signs.
Returns lists indexed by (power of ten)+1, that is, with [1] showing ones,
[2] tens, [3] hundreds.
Valid values are -99
to 99<M>
, with ++<M>
and ---
for over and underflow,
Registers the on-close verb for a browse window (client/verb/.windowclose) this will be called when the close-button of a window is pressed.
This is usually only needed for devices that regularly update the browse window, e.g. canisters, timers, etc.
windowid should be the specified window name e.g. code is : show_browser(user, text, "window=fred") then use : onclose(user, "fred")
Optionally, specify the "ref" parameter as the controlled atom (usually src) to pass a "close=1" parameter to the atom's Topic() proc for special handling. Otherwise, the user mob's machine var will be reset directly.
A do nothing proc used to prevent empty block warnings In hot code (like atmos checks), use EMPTY_BLOCK_GUARD instead.
Plays a DTMF tone (Telephone key press sound) for any valid telephone key.
: The atom that's producing the sound.key
: The character of the key pressed.user
: The mob actually pressing the key.user_only
: Whether the sound should be only heard by the user mob. (Sent to the user's client only)- Returns FALSE if the key is invalid, TRUE if the key was valid and we played a sound.
Populate the global branches list from global.using_map
Should be treated as a replacement for the 'del' keyword. Datums passed to this will be given a chance to clean up references to allow the GC to collect them. Non-datums passed to this will be hard-deleted.
Helper for sending a fax from a fax machine to an admin destination.
Reagents have the following vars, which coorelate to the vars on the standard scent extension: scent, scent_intensity, scent_descriptor, scent_range To add a scent extension to an atom using a reagent's info, where reagent. is the reagent, use set_scent_by_reagents().
Shared proc to provide the default vis_content for the edge_turf.
Handles teleporting an atom that touches a transition edge/loop edge.
Returns the turf that's opposite to the specified turf, on the level specified.
Grab the connected level data for the level connected in the direction the 'T' turf is in.
returns the number of ticks slept
Returns true if the text ends with the given sequence of characters.
Returns true if the text ends with ANY of the given sequences of characters.
Properly changes the given word (or the last word of the string) into a plural word. Applies a bunch of exceptions from the english language.
Returns true if the text starts with the given sequence of characters.
Get the remaining deciseconds on a timer
- id a timerid or a /datum/timedevent